You might all be wondering why my Blog looks so different ie: Jacked UP! this Morning?  Well... it started with a simple attempt to Edit a Post and enlarge some Font on a Fav Poem so that it would be legible.  Sounds harmless right?  Wrong... you see Blogger is attempting to push their new Templates and so they tend to show up everywhere & Shift onto a Page you might already be working on... say a Post Edit Page!  Yeah, lets just SAY that shall we!?!

So there I am with my PERFECTLY Designed Blog Page, just the way I want it and worked so hard to get it to the Vision I had for it and as I'm poised to click onto the 'Edit' of a Post the Page suddenly Shifts on me and the New Blogger Template section is suddenly Shifted right to where I'm already in mid 'click'!  NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!  Okay... so one would THINK that as a Blogger Safeguard for accidental clicks on something you really don't want you'd have to 'Save' the Changes, right?!  Wrong... oh no, Blogger apparently wants you to Experience these new 'improved' Templates right away and there's also apparently no Restoring or Going Back once they 'take' even though my Layout still has all the PERFECT Original Beloved Settings on it, they simply won't override New Ugly Template that I just HATE!!!
So... after the initial Blogger Panic... which then turns to Blogger Rage... which then turns to Blogger Frustration as I try every conceivable way to Restore the Lost Template and everything I Loved about my Blog Visuals and Information I had on the Sidebar and used daily... unsuccessfully... and get no response to the Helpline S.O.S. I send out to Blogger... I do the only thing that I know will take the Edge off for me... yes, even though it's barely past Noon on the Sabbath I get out the Moscato and soothe my range of Emotions with a couple of glasses of Wine... and a Sugar Blaze from these tiny Confections that Princess T and I dug up as we Edited and Purged some Interior Storage last Night.
I really want to go back to Sleep, Wake Up again and have it all be just a Bad Dream instead of a Real Life Bloggy Nightmare!  Sometimes you don't even realize how much you Adore your little slice of Blogdom until it gets all Jacked Up and tampered with... I swear, it is like someone messing with your Baby!  Who knew!? 
And I want it BACK... back to the way it WAS!  But how?!?  {Insert wringing of hands and knashing of teeth!  Well... before a couple of glasses of Vino anyway... Winks}  Now I'm just sitting here with a Buzz contemplating how best to fix this Ugly Mess that I can't even stand to look at?  You see, I'm very Visual and OCD about what I Create... this is as much an Artistic Outlet for me as it is anything else and I feel as though someone just threw crap on and irreversably altered & ruined a Creation I'd just gotten to the place where I was proud of how it had turned out.
I readily admit I'm Tech Challenged and don't respond to too many Changes at once, it has to be a gradual voluntary process for me and not involuntarily forced upon me.  But I'm in Meltdown Mode about this Blog Change, because I HATE IT... and I can't fix it and even the more Tech Savvy savior of mine Prince R can't figure out how to Disable the New Blogger Template so that my Stored Layout will just override it all and go back to what I had Created and could easily use because it was familiar and visually Appealing to me and those who visit regularly.  Your Blog Page Layout is the 1st Impression, just like someone visiting your Home... it reflects your Aesthetic & Personality.
Right now I feel like I'm on some Reality Show where someone came into my Home and changed it all around without my Permission and on some weird Technicality swear that you Agreed to it all.  So... if any of my Computer Genius Friends are out there... HELP!!!  I'm Upset beyond words right now... and though with Wine comes some Calm & Clarity and slowly I'm experimenting and getting a few things back to Norm... my Wallpaper keeps Appearing & Disappearing... I can't get the width of anything aligned to where it should be... and I'm certainly not having Fun anymore... fixing a malfunction is just too much like Work! *Winks*
Dawn... The Bohemian