Let me introduce you to the newest member of the Family my Friends... a Beautiful brand new Princess... Born 9-9-11 ... 6 lbs. 2 oz. ... 19 inches long...

Princess A.B. ... Fresh from The Father!!!

My Niece's brand new Beautiful Baby Girl... who arrived by C-Section just after Great-Aunt Dawn arrived at the Hospital, what impeccable timing!!! *Winks*

Here she is saying Hi to Daddy...

And to Nanna Kathie...

Babies are such a precious Gift from God...

And we Celebrate our brand new Beautiful Princess's arrival with Joy and Thanksgiving...

And naturally LOTS of Photos... *Winks*

From every conceivable angle...

And now we introduce her to YOU my Friends!  Another Bohemian Diva in the making...

As Princess T is already Coaching her on the ways of being a Boheme' Princess that everyone will adore, spoil and cater to!  She immediately set about having new Princess A.B.'s Daddy set up the Bohemian Princess Tent in the Bedroom! *Winks* 

AND help her decorate it!!! *LOL*  Now... only Diva Princess's have the ability to demand that tough G.I. Daddies, Uncles, and Grandpas do such things as gladly build AND help decorate Pink Bohemian Princess Tents!!! *Smiles*

 And they don't mind one bit...

As the Young Princes stand in awe of what a Diva Princess can get accomplished on a whim! *Winks*  

She is of coarse the formidable Beast Princess they remind themselves, so who would dare to defy her?!? *LOL*

And a Handsome Young Prince has his charming ways of getting exactly what he wants as well you know! *Winks*

Or it's "Off with their heads!!!" *LOL*

Yes, with all these Precious Princes and Princesses I'm afraid it's a Life of years of Servitude for the rest of us...

But it's Priceless Service... with great Reward...

And absolutely NOTHING compares...

Proud Gramma and Great-Aunt Dawn... The Bohemian
