Today I'm finally revealing the 1st of my Sweet Junquing "Scores"... Ta Da!!!  Isn't she LOVELY!?!

You know how some things are on your "Wish List" for a very long time?

And though you're not actively looking for them... you're always Hopeful that one day you'll 'Score' that coveted piece!?

The Perfect Vintage Dream Mannequin Dress Form was one such thing for me... I wanted it to have the Cage Skirt below...

And that aged to perfection wear and Sepia colored Fabric, preferably with Advertising, Date & Model imprinted on it... 

And a Wrought Iron Stand... preferably with Caster Style Wheels for easy mobility...

And all her knobs and foot pedals still attached... 

Yes, my Wish List was long, it always is *Winks*, but when I Dream... I Dream Big my Friends!!! *Smiles* 

And if you're going to activate the Laws Of Attraction, well, you might as well be very specific... because you'll be amazed at how you will attract that which you strongly Desire & clearly have Vision for! 

Now, to be sure, usually when I found anything even remotely resembling that description of the Ideal Dress Form, well, she was either NFS and a Beloved Display piece the Vendor was unwilling to part with at any price...

Or... her price was in the Stratosphere and way out of this Gal's Budget range... But I remained ever Hopeful... and my Patience & Tenacity finally paid off!!!

Because on this particular Junquing Day with the BFF Tina and her Mom Anita...

We were browsing around ZINNIA'S AT MELROSE and they had not One... but TWO Vintage Dream Mannequin Dress Forms!!! *Squeals of Delight ringing throughout the Shop!*

And though totally unprepared to make a purchase... thanks to the BFF, Tina, I was able to take my favorite of the two Home & not risk losing her!!  I owe ya Sista!!!

Yep, she fronted for me so that I wouldn't have Buyer's Remorse for having to pass on the ultimate find! *Whew, wiping sweat off brow!*

Here was Dress Form #1 which we spied first... and I was Loving her... but she was pretty battered and battle weary... and though I desired a piece aged to perfection, she had a fair amount of condition issues & didn't quite fit the bill for my Vision Dress Form...

Shredded skin & missing her knob...

And her stand had no adjustment pedals or wheels...  But I know how impossible these usually are to find anymore in any condition... so I was conflicted about whether to purchase or pass on her?!?  And decided to walk around a bit and think on it...

And I rounded the next corner and there SHE was!!!  THE ONE!!! 
 *Insert Angelic Music Playing & Heavens Parting!*  
With all the buzzers & bells... everything on the checklist as if she'd been custom ordered for Me! *Swooning Heavily at this point*... AND she was less expensive than the previous option AND the Shop would give me an additional 10% Discount!!! *Be still my beating Heart!* 

I was gazing at her fondly, well, more like a Deer caught in the headlights not knowing quite WHAT to do???  Agonizing...

Because alas, the budget was lean due to all the Birthdays and G-Kid's starting School Supplies, that the past two Months had hit me with.
*Sob, wringing of hands & knashing of teeth!!!*
Don't you HATE when that happens & your Dream Piece shows up at the most inopportune time!?! *Le Sigh*

As I'm standing there lusting after the piece the BFF's dialogue is going something like this: "You gotta have her... you know you'll never find another one like her again... and you'll regret it if you don't get her now... and I'll have to hear about it FOREVER!!!"  She's convincing & definitely either coming to my aid and/or contributing to my delinquency... you decide!?! *LOL* 

She's right... and she's offering to front me... so the only thing left to do is graciously accept the offer and figure out a way to load all three of us Junquing Partners... all of our piles of Shopping Scores for the day... AND the newly 'Scored' and freshly Named Dream Mannequin "Yvette" into a P.T. Cruiser!!! *LOL*

But where there's a Will there's a Way!!!  And with the help of a very patient Young Man who helped us load her we were on our way!!!
{Picture me with the seat moved so far forward the steering wheel is practically touching my chest... Tina riding Shotgun laden with Found Treasures & poor Anita in the back literally buried under Found Treasures with half the back seat flipped forward to accommodate Ms. Yvette... Smiles}
  We're a determined bunch with the Junquing Marine Motto of "No Treasure Left Behind"! *LOL*

My Mannequin Triplets... YVETTE... YASHYME... YAZMIN   {And Yashyme again...}

So... now I have the Mannequin Triplets settled in... Yazmin, Yashyme & Yvette... Life is good... *Winks... Yeah I know, there's 4 pictured... but the Mosaic required an extra one so Yashyme Modeled twice! LOL*

Stay tuned for more Posts of the Sweet Junquing Scores from our Marathon Junquing Spree while Tina's Mom is in Town... yep, we hit the Motherlode of Sweet Junque!!!

And please join us for the WHITE WEDNESDAY Blog Party over at FADED CHARM... for some Lovely Harvest White Images...

Dawn... The Bohemian
