There doesn't seem to be any end in sight of our extreme temps and Heat Advisory Warnings here in the Valley, even though we've broken all the old records for consecutive days exceeding 110 degrees!  *Whew* So I needed a little more R&R... which meant a visit over to RUST & ROSES to visit my Friends Angela, Punky and Shelly.  Here the trio struck a pose, looking Lovely in spite of the brutal sweltering heat of the day... and boy had they been busy in the Shop re-foofing and re-stocking it with even more fabulous Found Treasures!  

The vignettes never cease to inspire...

And its a delight to discover & behold the unique new Treasures before they fly out the doors...

My favorite Cabinet is still there... I'm having regular "Visitation" with it... *LOL*... *Insert Lustful Swoon*  You should see me wandering around this Old House deviously wondering where I could possibly squeeze another large fabulous piece like this in!?!  Or come up with the resources for such an extravagance?! *Would Selling  your Soul for a fab piece be wrong I wonder? LOL*  This was the type of rare fab piece I'd been seeking & dreaming about when I was purchasing large furniture... and COULDN'T find!  Isn't that the way it always goes?!? *Le Sigh* 

Thankfully there is plenty of other Eye Candy & possibilities to distract me from my Love Affair with said Cabinet. *Winks*

Another Lovely Pillow creation by Shelly... she must stop this... The Man is getting buried in my ever expanding Pillow Collection! *LOL*  Yes, I passed on it... no more Pillows for me... *Le Sigh*... well, not this day at least. *Winks*  I confess, I can't promise I will never drag another Pillow Home... I am a Pillow Addict seriously in need of an Intervention... *Smiles*  And I feel I WAS 'Born To Junk'...  

I Love Angela's Salvage Art Creations... so much to see and discover on each piece... and they remind me of those delightful Memory Jugs I think are so interesting...  I imagine these are so much Fun to Create out of Collections of bits and bobs and tiny Found Treasures!

Old Spools always catch my eye, I use them often for storing my Vintage & Antique Trims in the Studio...

Yes from the time you walk through the Front Door there is a wealth of Beauty and Found Treasures awaiting you... surrounding you... seducing you... inspiring you...

I always feel good visiting the Shop and the Gals...

Friendship, Beauty and Inspiration ALWAYS feels good doesn't it? Well... and Shopping too! *Winks*
What Gal DOESN'T like to Shop?  Even if we're only Window Shopping... well, okay, that hardly ever happens with Me, but we're talking about you, right?  Do YOU manage to only Window Shop my Friends? *Giggle, it's okay to come clean, you're amongst Friends & your Secret is safe with us! LOL* 

Punky, holding it down at the Sister Store, SIRENS & SAINTS,  looked so darn adorable this day... this is what I'm aspiring to on my daily visits to the Gym... she looks absolutely AMAZING and can fit into all those Fun Fashions I want and can never find in my present size... you're an Inspiration too my Friend!

And I did come away with a single Found Treasure on this visit... but yes, it's a 'Teaser' because I'll wait 'til tomorrow's Post to reveal what I found tucked away in a corner of the Shop... hiding from everyone's sight... and waiting on me to discover!  Me with the Rat Eyes searching to and fro... *Winks*  Shelly hadn't put it out yet... but as you know I'm a tenacious Scavenger for the perfect pieces... nothing eludes me! *Smiles* Only a tiny hint of it's Beauty was peeking out from a large wicker basket piled high with Lovelies awaiting a foofing to a aspiring vignette being Created and still in the works. *Winks*  So come back tomorrow for the 'reveal' of my 'score'...

But before we leave this day out the back door... lets take another peek inside the R&R Mini Manse shall we?

I can't help it... I WANT ONE so badly... and The Man has yet to 'score' me one of these Gypsy Caravans...

But I can Imagine... and be Inspired... and Lust after the Goal of one day hitting the wide open Road in my very own version of a Mobile Bohemian Valhalla...

And when I do you know I'll take you along too my Friends...

Because that's what Friends do... I could never leave my Junquing & Artistic Compadres behind!
So as my Friend Heidi of PARIS MONTANA would famously say... "See ya down the Road & in the City..."

You really should also hop over to her Shop or Blog ...


To see the newest upcycled eclectic Ecochic Vintage Couture with a Modern twist... yet another reason for me to keep hitting the Gym & get over to Scottsdale! *Winks*

And what is more visually COOLING and inviting on a scorching day than loads of White Eye Candy? So head on over to FADED CHARM for the WHITE WEDNESDAY Blog Party!

Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Where we beat the heat with some Junquing R&R...
Because how COOL is THAT?!? *Winks*

Dawn... The Bohemian
