When Leslie Pilling, the mastermind behind the event, first presented the idea of making a dress using my photography and Matthew Richmond's fantastic designs I was very excited. As William Malcolm, executive committee member and local fashion designer said, "When you get a call from Leslie Pilling you say yes." She has incredible ideas, modern visions, and an air of elegance and high fashion. FASH stands for Fashion, Art, Sound, and History and part of that history is documenting every step. So the day we created the dress we had a film crew from Working Pictures shooting us, 2 incredibly talented photographers, and our friend, Rose assisting. The footage will be used in a documentary about Detroit and shown on the Ovation network. We were very excited to be a part of it! If you would like to see some of the work they've done so far, there will be a screening at The Fillmore Sept 21st at 6:45. To register see the website here.
More photos on Piper Carter's Flickr