Certain Images remind me of certain People... have you ever considered what Images might remind others of You my Friends?

Things, Places, Sights, Smells or Sounds can evoke strong Memories of those who have been a part of our Lives... good or bad... right, wrong or indifferent... it's a strange phenomenon really.

I know that for me there are certainly those triggers of the senses that remind me of someone... and so I began to contemplate...

What Images might remind others of Me? 

Yes, I know this could be a deep subject, but let us go there shall we?  What outward images are a reflection of us to others?

Because we never really know what sensory triggers might bring US to mind in the thoughts and Memories of others!?

So I had some random musings of what Images might remind anyone... of Me? 

Would it be certain Styles or Accessories?

Or seeing an abandoned Caravan waiting to be discovered?

Will it be the images of warm Terra Cotta, anything built of Rock or Adobe or Field Stones?

Or an overgrown Garden left to grow Wild and Beautifully Free? 

An interesting, intriguing Portal to an unexplored destination?

The Abandoned and Old longing to be appreciated, rescued and Saved?

Will it be a certain Special Place?

Or the tinkle of an Ankle Bracelet... sight of Old Velvet...

Items identifying Faith, Love of God and Spirituality...

Piles of Old Exotic Rugs...

Beautifully ornate carved Wooden furniture... delicate Lace...

A tiny, frail, raggedy orphaned Stray nobody wanted, begging for Adoption to someone who has difficulty saying No or turning the Forsaken away... {Yes, that's our Bohemian Cat Boy, Rusty, on the day he did just this! Winks}

Will it be those objects that held a particular Sentiment or Comfort for me?

Or a Scent, a Fragrance I always used and might have lingered in the air after my presence was there...

Will it be the sight of an Old Door or of those particular things I had an attraction for and Collected over the years?

Or Beautiful Art by amazingly talented Artists that I admired and was inspired by? 

Or Great Adventures to nowhere in particular... where the Journey was more of an Event to be enjoyed than a Destination or arrival...

Will it be something I Created with my own hands?

Or gave as a Gift?

My Love of Nature that will remind you of Me every time you see any of God's Masterpieces of Creation that I so enjoyed?

Will it be a place you met me or know you can usually find me? *Winks*

Will it be the sight of a Grand Old Restored Home that you know would always captivate Me?

Or the sight of a once magnificent one that held possibilities and Fantasies of restoring and fixing up?

Or perhaps it will be a favorite Haunt, where you remembered we spent time together... perhaps enjoying a good meal... having Fellowship...

Or a day out together seeking Found Treasures? 

Whatever it is that brings Me to mind... I only Hope and Pray that the Memory it evokes is a good one?  A fond one that causes no pain or sorrows. 

Source: Pinterest ~ My Gypsy Dream Interior!!!

Because we're making Memories for ourselves and someone every day whether we know it or not... so let us be intentional about it... so that when we're recalled, even if it brings tears, they will be tears of Joy and Love...

Source: MY OLD HISTORIC HOUSE Blog ~ Ms. Ruby's House & Antique Shop

Be sure to visit my Friend Richard's Blog MY OLD HISTORIC HOUSE today, Richards is the 'Go To Guy' when you want or need to know anything and everything about Antiques and Found Treasures.  Today Richard profiled an Old House, Ms. Ruby's, that I fell in LOVE with and had to save to my favs and share in this particular Post... because when I see anything that has endured benign neglect I am not only enchanted by it and drawn to it, but I often wonder, does anyone remember?  Does anyone remember the people who once lived there... or how it looked before it was sadly neglected, forgotten and the ravages of time took it's toll?  Does anybody still care about it, want desperately to rescue it?  You see, I would... if money were no object I'd be on a Mission to save them all! *winks*

Source: MY OLD HISTORIC HOUSE Blog ~ Ms. Ruby's House & Antique Shop

 A place such as Ms. Ruby's is perfect "As Is" in my eyes & sparks the imagination because it has melded with Nature now and almost become One with it.  With a little TLC I would envision keeping it Wild and Free but with restorative touches to make it habitable again and WOW those who come through the doors and don't expect the Bohemian Grandeur that would lie within.  Just like many of us, who on the exterior may be showing the signs of age, wear and tear of Life, but within still have all the Treasures & Beauty that always made us precious and priceless! 

And be sure to join us for the GYPSY DREAMS Blog Party being Hosted over at Celia's... I live my Life with Gypsy Soul and Gypsy Dreams daily... all of my images are either Dreams in the making or Dreams come True!  So come along on the Journey and tell us about  your Gypsy Dreams my Friends... Life is no dress rehearsal, we must Live it fully and go after those things that speak to our Souls, our Spirits and are a manifestation of our Dreams!

Dawn... The Bohemian
