So... when it's been between 115-120 degrees and storming for weeks its so tempting to want to fast forward to Fall... and so we did!

Yes, it all began with my Friends Myko & Brett at THE BRASS ARMADILLO WEST decorating and Styling their Showroom for Halloween... and it was a fast Fall forward into a Seasonal Decorating Frenzy from there...  *Winks*
I mean how could  you NOT get into the Spirit of jumping off into the Holiday Season early once the Halloween Vibe was in Full Swing somewhere?!

It's my Favorite Holiday to Decorate for in fact because your Imagination can run rampant and you can Indulge all of your Fantasies and Macabre Imaginings.

 Myko & Brett had done such a Superb job of Sourcing Fabulous Halloween Inventory so it had everyone clamoring into the Showroom and Jonesin' for Halloween 'Scores' early as we were all duly Inspired by the Art of the Display done so Masterfully!
Who wouldn't want to have their Home, Booth or Showroom looking this Wonderfully Macabre?!?

And they were having trouble keeping up with filling in the voids in the Vignettes as everyone was snatching up their Favorite Found Treasures!!!

A particular Old Spooky Doll was Calling to me in fact... and became my very 1st Birthday 'Score'...
No way I was just Photographing this Halloween Cutie with her Hand-Dyed Vintage Outfit!  She had to be Adopted on the spot!!!
And be added to my Collection of Spooky Wednesday Addams Type Dolls!   Sure... she had an entire Body and not just a Head... but I still Loved everything about her!  And she would be my catalyst... because you see...

Now I was already re-creating my Visual Halloween Decorating Fantasy in my head of the Home Vignettes I'd be Creating this year... and since obviously Customers were already Gleefully receiving a fast forward to Fall... I couldn't wait to re-style my Booth for Halloween as well!!!
But this would mean braving 115+ degree temps in 100% humidity during the Monsoon storms as I tackled the task of digging through the Storage Shed and Storage Cottage for my Halloween Stashes...
But nothing was going to deter me now... and so I was ready for the challenge!!!
After all... what was the worse that could happen... I'd end up like these guys?!?  *Winks*  Loving that Antique Tinplate Old Lady piece with the Fab Velvet lined Case & Frame!!!
And it also meant I had the perfect excuse to go Junquing for Seasonal Inventory!!!
Long before most peeps would even be thinking about Sourcing Halloween Inspired 'Scores'... so I was Jazzed at the prospect!!!
I had my Inspiration Piece...

And Myko had quickly replaced her with another Fab Creepy Doll... resplendant with Psycho Style Countenance and Knife in hand!  *LOL*

I really must ask Myko her Secret for Hand-Dying Vintage Garments so Beautifully and Quickly... within a mere 24 Hours this Doll had gone from Romantically Sweet to Delightfully Wicked & Creepy!  *Smiles*

And this early Ouija Board and Silver Candelbra are Delightfully Macabre!

So... with a heady dose of Halloween Inspiration I spent the next week Sourcing Inventory from every Junquing Mecca I could gleen Vintage Halloween from...

And I was being selective... no hurries and no worries when you get an early start on things... you can revel in the Experience of seeking out those perfect Treasures for your Vision and Purpose.

You can choose your Poisons and Potions carefully...

And avoid all the hovering of Vultures and Fellow Scavengers that you'd normally have to contend with in the Mad Rushes just prior to a Holiday, when everyone is trying to 'Score' the same things for the same reasons!  *Winks*

Nope, I had nobody as competition as I sought out my 'Scores' amid the prospective Inventory for a fast forward to Fall...

And with my Head and Thoughts firmly set into a Halloween Vibe, well, it didn't even seem as Hot to me anymore outside... I'm sure it was... but I was in a Seasonal Groove now with the Essence of Fall propelling me forward and onward!

Looking for those Found Treasures in a darker and more Organic Pallette...

Leaving the Pastels and Whites behind and focusing instead upon the rich, warm Tones that speak of Autumn returning.   After all... here in the Desert it will still be Warm and sometimes even Hot once Fall firmly arrives... just not scorchingly so.

In fact... a Desert Autumn is when all of the Winter Visitors begin to return to Sunny Arizona because our Fall and Winter are the most glorious times of year weather-wise.   Getting through the Spring and Summer might be brutal, but come Fall our weather becomes Ideal!
And I would be ready for their return... because now I'd pulled everything out of Storage and gleened some new Vintage Inventory from the Thrifts and Flea Markets to initially stock the Booth for Halloween 2012!
With Blood Red Cloches...

Velvet Pumpkins, Black Cigar Boxes and Vintage Gloves...
Foam Pumpkins...

And Black Garden Art Cats...

Vintage Jewelry Boxes in wonderful Sepia Tones...

A Vintage Zither in a Red lined Black Shabby Case... so very perfect for Halloween!  Porcelain Pumpkin Candy Dishes...

And Ghostly ones...
Yes... I was having the time of my Life Decorating and Styling for my Favorite of Spooktacular Holidays!!!
Sourcing Creepy little Tikis and Sherlock Holmes Style Perfume Pipes...
Sweetly Crafted Pumpkins...
And Burlap Goodie Sacks with 'Resident Evil' inscriptions!   Desk Accessories in perfectly Creepy Hues...
And gruesome Horror Inspired Decor for those who want to make theirs a Haunted House of Hollywood Legendary lore!!!
And I found I was having the same Wonderful dilemma once I began, that Myko and Brett had experienced...
As Customers and Dealers were digging the Fall Vibe and eagerly scooping up first dibs on the Inventory!  *Whoo Hoo!*

So for some things their stay at the Booth was fleeting and they moved on to other Homes and Vignettes that would be Created for Halloween 2012!

And that's the Fun of it isn't it my Friends?  Of Sharing Ideas and Inspiration... of seeking out and providing Found Treasures for ourselves and for others.

Especially during the Holiday Season.   When even those who normally might not focus on Styling or Decorating will be gearing up for the Holiday Season and setting a Mood and Ambiance to Celebrate them in.
Personalizing it in their own way and in their own Homes and Businesses.
And Visiting us to receive Inspiration, seek out and Purchase their Found Treasures or just to Enjoy the Experience and Ambiance that the Holiday Decor Imparts.
And I for one don't mind one bit fast forwarding and doing that early...
Because I seriously LOVE everything about the Holiday Season and the Vibe... so I always want it to last and Enjoy it fully and for as long as I can.
Because you see, I'm still a Big Kid at Heart.
I Love to Imagine and Create Fantasies that come to Life.
The Creation of Enchantment and Magical Experiences is Energizing and so much Fun!
Allowing your Imagination to run Wild and set yourself Free of any Boundaries... just like Children do quite Naturally.
And just Revel in the Wonder of it all...
And I Challenge you to begin as early as you want to my Friends... and for as long as you want to...

If you want to Fast Forward to Fall with us you'll be in Good Company.
And you can Share your Experiences, Vision and Fantasies here with us in the Land of Blog.
I will certainly come for a Visit and soak it all in!!!  *Smiles*

And I Hope you've enjoyed Fast Forwarding to Fall with us Today?
And seeing a little bit of what we've been up to.
Now you know in part why we've been so Busy.


But even though it is a lot of Work, when it's something you thoroughly Enjoy and Revel in its not really like Work at all... it's a Joy...

So be sure to drop by THE BRASS ARMADILLO WEST to see and experience it in person.

And remember that every Wednesday we'll be having a Live Podcast about a Favorite Topic... this Week it was about Aprons... and doesn't my Friend Pamela look so very Adorably Retro in hers like a 1950's Pin-Up?  
So whaddya say... Lets get this Halloween Party started shall we?!?
And show us YOUR Vision for Halloween 2012 coming to Life!
But be sure we've only just Begun!!!  There will be LOTS more to come!!!

Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian
