Source: Melrose Vintage Facebook
While we were trawling the Melrose District for my Birthday we needed a 'fix' of Decadent Linens  and Scrapbooking Supplies so our next stop was MELROSE VINTAGE where both are always in ample supply.   And I always have a swoonfest of the Architectural Salvage, Chandies and Commercial Sized Vintage Signage Letters as well.  With the fierceness of Summer the Shop was only open for a week during August... but will have a Spectacular Fall Reveal & Re-Opening on September 5th... so be sure not to miss it!  I might be able to get down there just under the wire before The Man's Surgery... so in case I can't make it, I Hope some of you will be able to and Share the Experience here in the Land of Blog... PLEASE?!??!??  *Smiles*
If you Love Crafting and Fabric Art then this is the Mecca of Supplies for those activities... I can always find the Designer Fabrics here that nobody else carries and the Craft & Scrapbook Supplies are vast.   And one day, when I have more time, I am determined to take some of the Awesome Classes and Workshops offered.
Be sure to come back Tomorrow... as Pamela takes me to one of her Favorite Shops... which really was a Treat in more ways than one...
Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian
