As a Keeper Of The Past you all know that I adore Salvage Style because it Upcycles so many Cool Old Things that otherwise might end up in a landfill and considered worthless trash.  And as Spring is in the air I also start considering our Native Wildlife here in the Desert, especially the Birds.  In a Desert suitable Nesting areas are scarcer than other regions and the Wildlife need to be creative and vye for limited resources in Nesting materials and locations to raise their offspring.

So we've always kept numerous Birdhouses on our Property and planted lots of Trees to help the Bird Population out.  The fringe Benefit for us has been their delightful Songs serenading us throughout the Day... Bird Song is one of the most Beautiful sounds on Earth to me.

And so it was a delight to discover a very Creative Booth at the BRASS ARMADILLO in Downtown Phoenix that Recycles and Upcycles great Old Salvage Wood & Hardware into amazing Creations. 
From Birdhouses made of Natural materials left "As Is" to the Bright, Colorfully Bold Funky Birdhouses I was really Loving these Imaginative Creations. 

And there were Salvage Style Crosses, Mirrors, Key Holders, Wind Chimes and Found Treasures abounding in this Booth as well.   I Hope it has Inspired and delighted you as much as it did us my Friends?

Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian 