Spring is fleeting here in the Arizona Desert... we seem to move from a temperate Winter right into Summer heat.

Or a flip-flop of temperatures... as it will be 95 sunny degrees one day and 69 windy or damp degrees the next... and so it goes for a while... so you're not entirely certain which Season will win the battle from day to day?

But I do get Spring Fever right about now regardless of what temperature is prevailing outside... and for that brief period of Springlike weather I'm outside 99.9% of the time... or wanting to be!

And I really Jones' to get new plants or sow seeds... Flowers, Greenery, Veggies and Herbs and get them potted, sown or planted in the Garden.  Usually early in the Morning or late at Night when it's cooler and the most Peaceful.

The Bohemian Cat Boys like to watch... this is the elusive Rusty who isn't too keen on being photographed so you have to do Sniper Photography of him before he knows a camera is aimed in his direction.  *LOL*

Notice the contemptuous glare once he realizes Mama wants to take pictures!  *Smiles*  And he can move faster than a blue-arse fly so you have to possess lightening fast reflexes to get any images of Rusty!  *Winks*  Usually there is just an Orange blur going quickly out of frame... *Smiles*
He came to us as a Feral Kitten and is still not comfortable with Domestic Duty... he's still very much a Wild Child of sorts...

But then there is the much older and laid back previous Alley Cat, Morris... who adores having his photo taken and is quite the Poser... the moment he spots a camera he's hogging the spotlight and taking center stage.  He spent the best part of his Life living on the fringe of Society, comfortable with People and yet belonging to and cared for by no-one in particular, Living a Hobo's Life... well... until he Adopted us that is... and now he's luxuriating in all of the attention of being a pampered Domestic Pet. {Yes, I stash all my soil, fertilizer & products under the Bistro Table... I always see what shouldn't be in frame AFTER I take the Photo & upload it!} *LOL*

Morris happily preened and sashayed about the Patio whilst I was potting, making Vignettes and Photographing my Spring Fever Projects this Night. 

I had purchased an assortment of delicious Mints... Chocolate Mint, Citrus Mint, Spearmint, Peppermint... at the Home Depot Black Friday in March Plant Sale where everything in the Garden Center was 50% off!

I Love Mint in our Salads, Ice Water and Teas and it grows quite prolifically in the Desert... if you can keep the Gophers out of it... because apparently they Love Mint on their Menu too!  *Le Sigh*

So this Season I'm attempting a new tactic & strategy of planting my Mints in Terra Cotta pots that I can move around and outwit the Gophers?   Yes, I know... the Bohemian Cat Boys are supposed to be "Working Cats" but we've had some very cunning Gophers that have eluded my Bohemian Cat Boys and The Man's attempts at sending them to Gopher Heaven!

And I Love my Gardens & Patio Plantings to be Wild, Overgrown and Lush... in fact, if they're not thick enough that you need a Machete to get through them then I haven't planted enough!   Yes, of coarse I'd be excessive in my Gardening too don't you know!!!  *Winks*

But I must say... that though I have planted a lot of Lovely new Plants... and Princess T has sown lots of seed for the new Victory Garden {Photos to follow in a Future Post}... there is still MUCH work to be done around the Gardens and acreage to get it in order after a long Winter where I didn't do a lot of preventative maintenance.

And I shall be Junquing for more Industrial, Architectural and Garden Style Salvage to do a Garden Makeover this Season before the fierce heat of full blown Summer sets in.

This is merely the beginning of a Grand Vision I have for our Outdoor Living Areas...

And tidying up what already exists...

Because we spend a lot of time Outdoors... and blurring the distinctions between Outdoors and Indoors has always been a Passion of mine...

Because I don't think Garden Style ever goes out of Style... and who doesn't enjoy eating Alfresco and Hosting Guests Outdoors under the glorious Sun or pale Moonlight and in the Fresh Air?

Where Nature abounds and the sights, smells and sounds of Creation indulge all of the Senses.  

Yes... though Spring is rather fleeting here in the Arizona Desert it is still one of my favorite times of the year... where things are waking up from Winter slumber and New Life and New Beginnings are evident everywhere... and it makes you feel brand new and eager to start afresh.

Because once Spring Fever gets ahold of you... well... you can't help but succumb to it... because it feels so good.

And everything looks, smells and tastes so good!!!

And the bounty of the Gardens is generous and we can fill our Homes with Fresh Flowers, Greenery, Veggies and Herbs.

And take long Naps on the Porch.  *Winks*

Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian