As we continue the Melrose Crawl I'll take you with us to an Event we attended quite late in the day to avoid the huge crowds it always attracts upon opening, since its popularity has soared into the stratosphere... SWEET SALVAGE... this Month the theme was SWEET SALVAGE SECRETS REVEALED.   The Sweet Blog had been revealing Design & Styling Secrets in it's Posts and Joanne Palmisano, the Author of the Book SALVAGE SECRETS, was going to be at the Event to do a Book Signing.

But there was a big Secret that was going to be revealed this Month and it was just what I had Hoped it might be & have been desperately Hoping for since I don't do tight crowded spaces well!   The Shop, which had quickly outgrown the present location, will be moving a Block South on 7th Avenue to 4648 N. 7th Avenue next Month... to a location with 2500 additional square feet to showcase their amazing Inventory and fab Vignettes... more Parking... faster checkout... and air conditioning... which as our 100 degree heat has already arrived, is a big deal here in the Desert!  *Winks*  I am so very happy for the Sweet Team, which in my mind has earned their Sainthood doing an admirable job of Hosting the Events in recent Months in the midst of such challenging, crowded conditions and shopping frenzy that ensues in the smaller space.  A bigger venue will also be a welcome delight & less frustration to the loyal customers who show up each Month and support the Vision... and to those who also cover the Event here in the Land of Blog as it was becoming impossible to Photograph the eye candy or do panoramic views without people in frame. *LOL*

So now I shall feel comfortable again attending earlier because Zen Shopping is my Mantra and I should be able to get some good Shots to share with you here in the Land of Blog of each subsequent Event!  I can hardly wait to see the new Shop revealed in all it's Glory, with even more Sweet Junque Artfully displayed in the new building and more space to Park and to leisurely Shop for Found Treasures!  *Whoo Hoo*  And as you can plainly see, this Month I was having a Love Affair with a particular piece that I Photographed as much as a new G-Baby *LOL*... this Unique Killer Vintage Cigar Box Storage Unit!  *Break out the Smelling Salts quick!*  I was having a lustfest with this piece and could hardly believe it wasn't already Sold by the time I got there so late in the Evening.

But I'm certain it eventually went Home with a delighted new Owner... if budget had permit I would have certainly loaded it up on the new Truck and dragged it Home... who doesn't need more spectacular Storage after all?!  And my Passion for Old Cigar Boxes would have also been satisfied with a piece made entirely of them... I adored everything about this Unit and could have squirrelled away numerous Treasures amid it's ample Cigar Box drawers!

Okay you're probably saying... we've seen enough of it already Dawn... move on!  *LOL*   See... this is precisely why I need more space & Zen when I'm Shopping... I like to languish, Photograph to my Heart's content and soak in the atmosphere and most especially the pieces I'm admiring and considering.  *Winks*

And there was still much to Photograph, admire and consider even though I would have Loved to behold everything before the crowds had descended upon it as the doors opened... as I'm certain the choice pieces had been picked clean and were on their way to new Homes with delighted customers. 

Yet, I still found what I considered choice pieces that had somehow managed to evade the early Shoppers.

And the Sweet Team does an amazing job of re-styling everything in a heartbeat so that it all looks Artfully arranged in spite of constant rotation of Treasures as we scoop them up.  I don't know how they do it... I have trouble keeping one small Booth foofed & stocked!  *LOL*

I was Happy that at this Event, with attending later in the day, I had more opportunity to capture Images as I strolled leisurely through the Shop Photographing what caught and delighted my eyes and sought out my Found Treasures.  Though the BFF had been eager to attend at the Opening I was Grateful that she had respected that I needed more Calm and been Patient to wait until the crowds subsided to a level I could handle... now that's a True Friend... that will miss out on potential 'scores' and experiencing the beginning of a popular Event to accommodate you!!!   See, I told you my Friends are the Best & I'm so Blessed to have them in my Life!!!

And even though having to wait to attend later for my benefit meant that she missed out on pieces she fell in Love with and wanted, like this gorgeous Birdcage & Stand, which was already Sold, she didn't complain about it or guilt me.  I guess it is easier to Shop with a Happy Me than a Stressed Me that is freaking about being in a crowd. *LOL, yeah a Stressed Me is absolutely no fun at all! Winks*

 Yes, these Hydrangeas were the Real Deal!  The BFF and I had to fondle them to ensure they weren't Silk because they looked so amazing and surreal!

Since I enjoy incorporating fresh Florals and Greenery in my Styling and Decor I am drawn to Vignettes that do too.  A Home without touches of Nature just isn't complete or as Inviting to me.

And a Garden atmosphere is one of my favs... which is why I enjoy Natural Elements & fabrics that compliment it.

  I really liked this Rustic Box filled with  a row of Rusty Metal Urns & Fresh Flowers... and that #8 Sign.

The Patina on all of the surfaces was Aged to Perfection!  A piece doesn't have to be perfect for me to fall in Love with it... if the Patina is right, condition isn't at all important to me.  The hues inside of these Urns was gorgeous!

And my Love Affair with Old Mantles and Victorian Tin is Legendary!  *Smiles*  So naturally I was instantly attracted to this Vignette!

Oh... and da Bling... OF COARSE!!!  *Winks*  Hard to resist swoon worthy Creative pieces made of Salvage and Orphaned Bohemian Bling... it took all my restraint to walk away Blingless this day! *Smiles*  But it was still very Inspirational.

And hanging the Bling from a Rusty Vintage Industrial piece with some bold hued fragrant Roses in a Mason Jar beside it looked awesome.

There was Sweet Bling everywhere in fact...

And I really liked these Upcycled License Plate Cuff Bracelets... what Fun!

But there were cool Vintage License Plates for those of you who Collect those too... and plenty of Vintage Industrial.

And Upcycled utilitarian pieces transformed from ordinary to extraordinary Decor... I adore Lighting Created from converted pieces of anything!

And Beautiful Antiques with the Detailing and made from Hardwoods you just cannot find in Modern Furniture.

No wonder this Killer Bureau was Sold huh?  In a word... Divine!

But even though I took hoards of Photos since I wasn't having to deal with the hoards of Shoppers and Mob Scene this Event, I am out of Time today... so be sure to come back tomorrow for Part II of the SWEET SALVAGE SECRETS Event Coverage my Friends... still loads of Eye Candy to Share!

Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian
