First let me say that I have not intended to neglect you my Dear Friends, but anytime Blogger enhances and changes things... well, I'm dead in the water for a while until I can figure it out... and I HATE that! *LOL*  I am Hoping that this Post turns out as I intend since Change can be difficult for Yours Truly... just when I get comfortable with Technology it leaves me behind in it's dust and I'm trying to play catch-up continuously it seems!  *Le Sigh*  Thank God for the G-Son... the Young Prince is very encouraging and bails Gramma out when I'm stuck... Young People embrace Change much more readily and easily it seems, it doesn't intimidate or confuse them.  *Winks*

So, I've been sitting on this Month's Melrose Crawl pixs and potential Posts since Thursday Night in Hopes that I could finally figure everything out and get you updated on what we've all been up to here in the Valley of the Sun!

The 1st Stop on the Crawl was FRILLY FROCKS because I had FINALLY attained my self-imposed Deadline to complete the Bag for my Dear Friend Angela, who has been patiently awaiting it for Months!   She has the Patience of Job I tell you and is the sweetest person you can imagine... but Thankfully, as you can see by her expression, she was thrilled with it and that brought me great Joy since the Creations she'd made for me in this Gypsy Swap had been Magnificent and it had been my intent to Wow her with a Mary Poppins Style Bohemian Carpetbag that matched the Vision she'd shared with me for it.   I Love Creating, but I'm painfully slow at it and it bothers me to keep anyone waiting for anything.   Angela is an amazingly Talented Artist and Seamstress herself and there at FRILLY FROCKS she is surrounded, as you can clearly see, by fabulous Creations by many Talented and Amazing Artists that I can't hold a candle to... so it was so sweet that she had insisted on having one of my bags, since she has her choice of so many absolutely gorgeous ones and that she could attain right away... Bags by uber Talented Artists such as Magnolia Pearl and Izabella Rose.

And FRILLY FROCKS has some great News my Friends... May 1st they will be moving in with SIRENS & SAINTS and the collaberation of the fabulous Designs and Designers offered by Shelly, Leslie & Angela are going to blow you away... you're going to want to fill your Wardrobe with new Creations offered all in one convenient location!!!

And now that I THINK I've got this new Blogger Enhancement figured out????? *Winks*  I Hope to be back to the Daily Blog to continue to take you along on our Melrose Crawl for this Month because we had so much fun and visited so many amazing Shops filled with fab Treasures!

Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian
