Today during the Melrose Crawl I'm taking you to an off-the-hook Shop Yard Sale at MELROSE VINTAGE... they were cleaning out their Warehouse and had I known earlier that the Sale was happening, I would have been there at daybreak!  *LOL*  And yes, those Signage that spell out Yard and SALE were for Sale!

Thankfully my Friends Angela and Shelly told us about it so that we didn't miss out on this spectacular Yard Sale!   Shelly's Truck was loaded to the brim & she was back for seconds and we could see why...

OMG... it was one of those Sales where you only wish you'd just won the Lottery so that you'd have an abundant budget to load up the Truck with the 'scores' you wanted to haul out of there!!!

I wanted it ALL... and the prices & selection were Flea Market fabulous... bargains abounded and you know it had to be beyond amazing when I quit taking pictures of the majority of it and just started in on a buying frenzy so that I didn't miss out!  *LOL*

Yeah, my initial resolve not to go beyond budget went out the window... because I was not only buying for myself... but for Booth Inventory as well... and this was a rare opportunity where she who hesitated was lost!

My only regret was that I couldn't and didn't buy more... looking back at the few Images I captured during our initial arrival, well, I see all kinds of Treasures I shouldn't have passed on... *Le Sigh*

And even though my biggest Haul of the Melrose Crawl was right here at the MELROSE VINTAGE Yard Sale... it was only a tiny fraction of what I wanted to 'score'... but believe me, I 'scored' a LOT!

            I was so focused on being in Acquisition Mode...                                           

That I completely spaced out on Blogger Photographer Mode...

And most of my Photo Ops were missed as the Thrill Of The Hunt took over...

I was completely overwhelmed with the vast opportunity to purchase large Letters & Numbers... they were literally EVERYWHERE and I was so indecisive!!!

And many of the larger items, which really were out of the question realistically since my Booth isn't large enough and there's absolutely no room left at this Old House for large pieces, still made me drool and left me desperately wanting... *Winks*

But I did 'score' a couple of these Killer #3 large Metal Neon Numbers... now the dilemma simply is whether to keep or sell one... or both???  Decisions... decisions... decisions...

And as an avid admirer of Decrepid Derelict Style you know I was lusting over this fabulous French Velvet chair, even in it's dilapidated condition... but the Man & G-Kid Force would have surely had me committed had I dragged it Home as a Prize Score... and so... I passed... *LOL*

But Oh Lord it wasn't so easy to pass on this large Neon Metal 'g'... or was it an '&' ... the BFF and I weren't entirely certain?  What do YOU think?  Regardless... I wanted it badly... and regret passing on it...

And I regret passing on this Headboard with the Tropical Bird...

And this Blue Rocker... sitting beside one of my #3's...

But there was just SO MUCH great Stuff... Cast Iron Tubs & Sinks full in fact...  The BFF and I did 'score' some of those Rusty Metal Claw Feet in the Wire Basket though... at a buck apiece who could pass on that?!?

And I regret that I didn't scoop up this European Style Metal Canister Set... why oh why did I allow Budget Guilt to get the best of me?  *Smiles*

And just check out this Marble Fireplace Mantle... Divine!  

 It was sitting right next to a delightfully worn Beautiful Persian Rug that I 'scored' for a mere $4.99... yep, a Persian Rug for under Five Bucks!  As a matter of fact MOST of my 'scores' were under $5 each!!!  It was like being in Yard Sale Heaven I tell ya! 

I came away with Architectural Salvage...

You know how much I 'Heart' Architectural Salvage!

A rusty, crusty, cool old Lantern... my nod to Mantiques. *LOL*

A couple of sweet Ivory Pottery Planters...

With a Puppy...

And a Lamb... they are the Style of Hull or McCoy.

My Metal Claw Feet... for a Buck apiece...

 Antique Floral Art Prints Aged to Perfection... #1 which is the largest Print...

#2 Print...

#3 Print... {Still very dusty... but I Love scoring stuff fresh from Storage or the Farm!}

And finally... #4 Print...

This Style of Art and the faded hues are just my Style so they were my fav 'scores' of the day!
And under $3 apiece I was Jazzed!

And though I don't yet know where they will end up in the House... they go with so much of my Decor that they will fit in with just about any Vignette and look just fine stuck anywhere until I decide. I Love it when something just fits in so well & effortlessly that it could just be laying around waiting to be Styled and still look pleasing.

So for now they're just hanging around the spare Guest Room propped against stuff until I decide where I'll use them...

And my last 'score' was probably the best Bargain of the day... and from one of my fav British Designers and Stylists, Cath Kidston, whose products are difficult to come by in the U.S. at any price... an oversized Oilcloth Tote in one of her amazing signature Floral Patterns that retails for $92 and I got for .99 cents... that's right, under a Buck!

Whoo freakin' Hoo... it was good to be Me this day for sure!  *Winks*

       And now I'm just wondering... if there's anything left to go back & get after Payday??? *Winks*

            Come back tomorrow as we head to another Favorite Haunt on the Crawl...

                 Blessings from the Arizona Desert...Dawn... The Bohemian