As we continue with our Melrose Crawl we're now taking you to yet another great New Shop that we discovered in Campbell Plaza at 700 West Campbell Avenue... MAGPIE'S NEST!

First of all, being a Human Magpie myself I'm Loving the Name of the Shop... *Winks*

And for any of the rest of you with Magpie Tendencies, you're going to Love this Shop too... with an Eclectic Mix of Treasures Sourced with care, you're going to discover the perfect items to Feather YOUR Nest with my Friends!  And their prices were so Budget Friendly... I had to totally resist this Antique Butter Cover for only $5!  But only because I can't remember the last time we covered our Butter on the table... *LOL*  But I might just go back for it if it's still there... 'cause the Color Palette is perfect for our Home... and I'm sure I could cover SOMETHING with it?!?  *Winks*

You'll find fab higher end Treasures...

And Rustic Simplicity...

And being the Old Suitcase Fiend that I am I was totally Jazzed to discover this Treasure with all of the original Stickers from it's Wordly Travels!  As you can tell by the crappy out-of-focus-shot of it in the Shop I was practically quivering with excitement since it was absolutely perfect AND a Bargain!  So yep, it's MINE!!!  Focused pixs taken at Home when I was Calmer to follow!  *Smiles*

And the Vintage & Antique Book selection was beyond awesome & priced to Sell... I 'scored' this amazing Leather Keats Book... just look at that patterned Old Leather!!!  *Swooning*

I almost needed to lay down from my swoonfest on this gorgeous Raspberry Velvet Fainting Couch... *Winks*

And rest my head on this awesome Old Lace Heart Shaped Pillow and Tapestry one... Yes, it all felt as good as it looks... I "Heart" Vintage Fabrics... especially Old Velvet, Tapestry & Lace!

And I don't know who this Gal Lola was but I'm totally digging her 1962 Vintage Shoe Forms... dated and with size Graphics... LOVE IT!!!

And if you're Feathering your Rustic Kitchen or Pantry... this is the place to go...

An amazing array of Rustic Elements Graced the Shop too.

And Romantic or Shabby-licious Elements...

And the Mantiques... the Rusty, the Crusty, the Man-Cave Elements...

And if you're seeking out Original Vintage Lampshades & Lamps... there were some Lovely ones here... this Sweet Vintage Lace and Beautifully Faded Velvet one caught my eye...

You can be sure we'll be coming back often now that we've discovered the MAGPIE'S NEST because it will be making it easier to Feather our Nests as well, Human Magpie's that we are!

And I had to take you back Home to get a better view of my great Old Suitcase 'score'...

Owned by a Military Officer I'm told... well Traveled & Worn Leather... just how I like 'em!  I'm talking about the Suitcase my Friends, not my Military Men... *LOL*   Well, Okay, so The Man is Retired Military and well Traveled, worn out and leathery too... so I guess that would be an accurate description of my Military Man as well!  *Smiles*

I remember all the Old Footlockers and Suitcases my Dear Dad had that had all these Inspection & Travel Stickers from around the World too... Thankfully I Inherited some and it brings back heavy doses of Nostalgia of our World Travels when I was growing up.

Oh the Stories I'm sure these Old pieces of Luggage could tell!!!

And since I'm also an Old Book and Old Photo Fiend as well... this is the trio I "scored'...

Had to show you that the back of that Beautiful Keats Book's Leather Cover was as gorgeous as the front!

And this Antique Stereo-View of a Victorian Lady lounging in her Parlour on a killer Velvet  Fringed Bohemian Fainting Couch, surrounded by Plants and wearing lots of amazing Fabrics... oh, yeah, that's so very ME to the core!

Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian