One of the best things about having my Booth at THE BRASS ARMADILLO WEST  is that I go often to work my Booth and get to see all of the new Dealers coming in and transforming their Spaces into their own unique Vision.

Seeing those Visions coming to Life has been really exciting... and of coarse I have my favs... those Spaces, Inventory & Styling that I feel a personal connection to because I really Love similar things and know that they are Kindred Spirits.

So I will be taking you with me to some of those Booths and Showrooms that have caught my eye and I really enjoy.  So I want to share the Images here in the Land of Blog.  Today's Post will take you to a new Dealer's Space... Booth 317.  Right away the Bunting Banner made of Vintage Tablecloth Fabrics drew me right in... of coarse it would, right?!?  *Winks*

I have had a Love Affair with Vintage Tablecloths for a very long time and amassed a ridiculous amount of them over the years... so anything Created from those that were cutters is very appealing to me too.

The fabrics and graphics always look so cheerful and fun...

And the Creativity of the Inventory in this Booth really impresses me... just look at that Chest of Drawers Transformation!

Love it... and the Customers were obviously Loving it too... it's now SOLD... 

And the Vibe of this Booth just makes me feel as though I'm visiting a Quaint Beach Cottage filled with Found Treasures and Creative touches...

I remember having a Stroller like this when I was little... there's visual evidence somewhere in the Archives of our Family's old Sepia Photos... me at the Beach as a Baby, being pushed around the Boardwalk in one of these and wearing denim overalls and a big straw Sombrero style hat!  *LOL*

I enjoy the mixture of Vintage Items Sourced with Care and the Transformed & Created pieces offered at this Booth.

So I kept coming back as the Dealer was working on the Transformation of the Space and it was coming together... and new Items were being added daily... 

Yes, I did come away with a little Treasure from this Booth... the Antique Glass Doorknob... I have an obsession with those too!  *Winks*

I Hope you will stop by sometime in person and visit Booth 317 and all of the rest of us here at the BRASS ARMADILLO in the West Valley...  there's way more to explore and discover than the little bits I shall Tease you with!  *Winks*

Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian