Our Home is an Eclectic Mix of so many of the things I Love.  Old Cameras... Old Books... Old Suitcases & Bags... Natural Elements... Uniquely Created Art & Fashion... etc... etc... etc...  Because the Love of Old has been something I've always had... as well as the Quirky Elements & Oddities that I find Interesting, Unique, Inspirational, Visually Appealing or just plain Weird enough that I connect with them in some mysterious way!  *LOL*  And when it comes to Art & Fashion, well, the more Unique and Creative, the bretter.

Something doesn't have to have Function for me to cherish it and find Value in it or a use for it... many of the Found Treasures we have are simply Display quality only... or are perfectly charming in their Imperfections in fact or have been Upcycled into new uses they were never Designed nor intended for.

And I will Drape and Layer anything and everything... Simplicity isn't one of my strong points... though I'm trying to get better at it.  *Winks*  I am attempting to declutter and simplify as the years progress... but only because it is a lot of upkeep... to whom much is given, much is required.  Though I seriously doubt I would be content in a sparsely decorated Home with little to look at... I can be intrigued by short periods of time spent in a Zen-like Minamalistic setting... and I might try some Minimalist Space just to see if it will grow on me?  *Smiles*   

My list of Loves is so vast that it seems as though it would be difficult to do away with so much of it that only a precious few remained... but I am learning to Let Go of so much more than I expected that I would or could... and knowing that it will end up being Loved somewhere else by somebody else gives me great Joy.

Dawn... The Bohemian
