As I'm gathering the Elements for this Christmas Styling Project in our Home I'm really gravitating towards Sage & Sepia Styling... though knowing me, I certainly expect some Color to creep in there...

Though perhaps "creep" is not the correct or most accurate word exactly... Okay, Color will probably "burst" in there with reckless abandon and marry with the Sage & Sepia Styling! *Winks*

But somehow I suspect it's going to work... because while at NOT TOO SHABBY seeking out some Sage & Sepia Splendor I saw both Color and the Sage & Sepia Elements co-mingling just fine... in fact I was also gravitating towards that marrying of the two Styles.  The more I look at that killer Violin Case with the Turquoise Velvet interior in fact the more I am Jonesin' for it! *Winks*

In fact, what if I were to fill such a Case with Vintage Shiny Bright Ornaments mingled with Sage & Sepia toned Heirloom Family Photos & Feathers?  And what if I could get Kim & Katie to sell me the Prop Roses as well as a 'bundle' with that Violin Case since I just don't want to break up the wonderful Union they both have going on there?! *Winks*

Well, I'd almost bought every Feather in the Shop anyway since I'd forgotten to petition The Man for those he got while Hunting and Field Dressing Wild Turkey before he came Home the last time he went Hunting, leaving the precious Feathers behind, totally WASTED now!!! *Sobbing at the thought of it!*... Silly me... it's not as if I didn't know I had a serious Feather Fetish and could most definitely use them in my preferred Decorating Style! *Le Sigh* 

And yeah, I left yet another fabulous Ostrich Feather behind too, a stunning Black one this time... *Sighing heavily*... the 2nd Beautiful one in a couple of days... and it's not as if The Man will be hunting Ostrich anytime soon!?! *LOL*  Have you ever left anything behind that you sorely regret?

Of coarse you have, we all have... and I know... I know... we can't have it ALL!!! {Darn}  But sometimes an pefect Idea or Vision will come to me AFTER the Shopping & Photography Expedition and I realize I shouldda-couldda got "That"!!! *Winks*  And you know what the "Thats" are for your left-behind regrets.

But I am at least recognizing that I'm moving in a different direction and away from certain Colors and Styling again... back to my Old Staples of Bohemian oppulence where Sage & Sepia co-exist with Vivid Jewel Tones.  Those tend to be my Anchor Styling Preferences & Palette that have always appealed to me with consistency throughout Life.

Where for me Zen might look something like this...

And this...

And of coarse this... which is why I couldn't resist the Vintage Bottle Display and the Taupe Thread Spool as a definite bundle purchase... no waffling on that! *Winks*

And I'm re-thinking certain pieces in the House that just don't Jive with my Sage & Sepia meets Jewel Tone Vision.  A major home-makeover perhaps where a thorough Edit & Purge is looming on the Horizon... hence my previous Post about girding myself for Major Changes! *LOL*

And as I Prep for Christmas I'll be doing an overhaul of many rooms... a more thorough one than usual... as we move towards a New Year.  Because I really would prefer the Styling to be cohesive and right now its a bit of a mish-mash of conflicting Styles & Elements.  I like Eclectic Styling... but not a watered down look so I want MORE cohesion towards the ambiance of Sage & Sepia with Jewel Tones predominating for the Atmosphere & Vibe I'm going for.

Editing and Purging like never before... as things that should move on will move on... to other Homes where they just fit in better and don't clash with the Vision I've got here at the Bohemian Valhalla Residence.  So I'll be busy Gifting, Donating and Selling off a significant amount of Found Treasures.

Things that are still Lovely... but whose Season here at my Home is long past or no longer work with the direction I'm going Style Wise... and must be replaced with what Vision I have now for our Home.

Yep, it's true... Pastels and Whites will more than likely move aside so that Sage & Sepia and such Beautiful Exotic Colors as this will move back in again to reclaim their rightful place... I know I'll feel more comfortable in my usual Element which was always more of a Victorian Gypsy Hippie Chic Styling.

Because though I've picked up many items over the years that I've admired the Styling of or the Hues have attracted me for a Moment in Time... and I can certainly appreciate them in the Homes of those who are Masters at Styling with those Palettes...

I've discovered that I can't always live with every Style that I might enjoy the look of... because it's just not ME... and I'll probably always keep going back to my Style & Fashion Roots after having explored some of the others for a Time and a Season.

There's just something about the Exotic mingled with the Faded, Time Worn, Deconstructed & Tattered that speaks to my very Soul.

And I have always liked it a LOT and felt a connection to it.  Yes, I'd be the Gal, who if I didn't have the Crew here to consider, would deconstruct ALL of my furniture to look like this...

And then arrange it all upon a Rug like this... which BTW was my favorite of the numerous Persian Beauties offered at THE DUMP for up to 70% off!  *Gasp* Alas, this one is Palace sized... and well... this Old House is NOT... *Winks*  And I've got Persian Rugs everywhere as it is! *LOL*  But if I ever build a Palace with massive rooms for such a Rug as this... *Smiles*

Yes, my Christmas Prep Continues and for some mysterious reason, the preparing and Styling for Christmas has me longing for an extreme Home makeover of sorts to only keep that which speaks to my Soul consistently and banish the rest... and my mind is spinning with Plans and Ideas for the New Year already!!! *LOL*  And it's daunting but rather exciting...

As I shopped at my favorite Stores that have Vignettes that are of the Genre I have a deep connection to like RUST & ROSES, NOT TOO SHABBY and SWEET SALVAGE I was awash in Sage & Sepia with a hint of the Exotic... and it moved me... to go back to a Styling sensibility I've literally grown up around and spent most of my Adult life preferring and Decorating with.

And at this later Season of Life I just don't want to settle for less than the Vision of a Home that I've always wanted... I don't want to compromise and make do or do without... or even keep items that don't gel no matter how pretty and Stylish they are...

I have accumulated enough now over the span of 50+ years of Feathing my Nests that I can afford to pare down and focus more intently on what matters most in my surroundings.

And in a strange way its rather exciting to finally make that decision to Change it up... though I don't know that it will be easy... Remember I tend to resist Change, especially Big Change...

But I do know that anything worthwhile and Intentional to accomplish a Grandoise Vision {and my Visions are ALWAYS Grandoise ~ LOL} is rarely ever easy or quick... and that's perfectly okay.

Because this is something I've been mulling over now for quite a while anyway and contemplating the logistics of...

So I've already taken my Time to make an informed decision about what it will take to accomplish.

And Prepping for the Holidays is just a wonderful excuse to begin the Journey actually...

A Journey towards a Completed Vision...

Not an incomplete one...

Or one that leads in many different directions where you're never quite sure you'll ever arrive or not?

And I plan to enjoy the Journey towards that Destination and see what it brings...

And what it discards?

And how it will transform my Home into that Complete Vision that I've always really had for it and yet never quite accomplished due to one thing or another that stood in the way or distracted me...

And how many of YOU can relate to that somewhat?

Where your environment got a bit muddled as you accommodated too many people or too many things, or lost Focus, or got too busy so it never really became a priority to get it just right for yourself?

As I was moving through yet another favorite Shop while on my Christmas Prep Mission to Decorate for the Season, RUST & ROSES, I still found myself drawn to similar objects, Style and Colors that my Soul is recruiting once again and has has an abiding Love of! *Smiles*  Do you find your Soul doing that at times my Friends?  From Shop to Shop... gravitating to what you know to be YOU, but not always acting upon the instinctive urges of it?

And so we'll see how long it takes... this Journey I've decided firmly to embark upon and finally arrive at... attempting to keep the distractions and indecisiveness of the Project at a Minimum until the Momentum builds enough that it becomes easier and less overwhelming a task to consider and implement...

We'll Style it for the Holidays and then after the New Year comes we'll begin the Transformation process of the entire Home and Property...

And keep moving towards Bohemian Valhalla...


Being Inspired and Motivated along the way by the Visuals of Blog Friends who already have the Vision Complete that is similar to what I have in my Head.


And speaks to my Soul and Spirit in the way it is Styled...


And in 2012 my Hope is that the Bohemian Valhalla Residence will have that Complete Transformation and I will have let go of many things that were obstacles in accomplishing the Feathered Nest I have always Dreamed of Creating within these walls...

And I want to tell you about the wonderful Giveaway over at my Blog Friend Tricia's Blog A ROSY NOTE... A Beautiful Necklace Creation Designed by her Talented Sister Kristi!  You have until November 27th to enter!

Dawn... The Bohemian
