It's time for a Change... so out with the Old...

And in with the New!!!

And that's easier said than done with me!

No, seriously, you have no idea... well, maybe you do... if Change isn't always easy for you either?

You see I get really comfortable with the familiar... especially the things I Love and Enjoy... or that turn out well.

And so when Change is necessary... or an option... I'm not always embracing it or welcoming it with open arms at first... I'm hesitant...

Because I tend to hold onto the familiar, what I've known, enjoyed, surrounded myself with, the visuals of familiar Beauty especially.

And its silly really because over Time everything Changes... it's the way it is meant to be... and once a Change has occurred I typically roll with it just fine... and then embrace THAT... IT now becomes the familiar to me! *Winks*

Yes, even the Change of Seasons and Holidays makes me sadly miss the ones we're leaving behind... even though I enjoy all of them... and know they come around regularly. *LOL*

If something is particularly Lovely and I'm Enjoying it... well, I guess I just don't want it to Change and it's the "letting go" part that I suppose is my struggle... what I wrestle with... as I hold on a bit...

Probably the thing I hold onto tightest are those I Love... and that's a tough one because they grow up and move through Changes that are meant to be... and I know it.  I know I'll miss each Season of their Life that has passed... as they grow, Mature and Change.

Yes, I will accept it and enjoy each new Change eventually, each new Season of their development, their Independance and the growing up process that brings them into their own as they Blossom into Mature Adults!

But I will miss the Times when they enjoyed hanging out with me and acting silly... just like our Children eventually did...

I'll Hope they'll never lose their sense of Wonder and Awe at the World around them and that Childlike Joy and Possibility in All Things that abides in a Child's Imagination regardless of circumstances or evidence appearing contrary to lofty Dreams.

I Hope that one thing that will never Change is their appreciation for all that is Beautiful, Lovely, Creative and Unique.   And they might still enjoy some of the things we do together now...

Like visiting my Friend Shelly's Shops SIRENS & SAINTS and RUST & ROSES which provided all of the beautiful Eye Candy you are beholding in the singular photo images of today's Post!

And I really admire how my Friends in Retail can Change it up so often and so Beautifully each and every time without attachment to the way it used to be... no matter how Lovely or how much work was put into yesterday's Vignettes!

They are constantly Changing and Evolving the Beautiful Images within their Shops.  And maybe some of you are able to do that within your Homes as well?

But for me that is very difficult... and so Changes come more slowly to me and I suppose that is why the Art of Photography is so very attractive to me... to capture those Lovely Images of Yesterday and Archive them for Future Enjoyment!!!

And I'm so Happy that my Friends in Retail allow me to capture their Vignettes during my Visits to share with you all here in the Land of Blog... so that we can all continue to be Inspired by what was... and is to come!

And yes, I'm getting ready for a Change... and I'll reluctantly start with my Banner *Winks* because yes, even Changing that can be a hesitation for me... silly, but True! *LOL* 

You see... I liked the old one... I was familiar with it... I enjoyed how it turned out...

And even though I like how the New one turned out too... letting the Old go is still a bit of a Challenge to me.

But once I do I'm ready to move forward... not exactly forgetting about the Past... but Embracing the Future and Living in the Present... which I feel is the way it should be.

Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian
