So, what does Relaxation look like for YOU my Friends?
Relaxation for us is typically done Gypsy Style... we are most relaxed when on the go, with those we Love and enjoy the Company of, and having a good time.
Relaxation can and does mean different things to different people.
I've often had folks think our form of relaxation is anything but relaxing, because we are usually so animated and packing our day of relaxation with enjoyment, activity and lots of Traveling.
I suppose if Relaxation to that person means long leisurely doses of inactivity, doing nothing in particular and vegging... then I can certainly understand why our form of Relaxation would seem exhausting to them though.
Personally I don't feel that there's any wrong or right way to Relax... whatever an individual or group of individuals finds to be Relaxing, Restorative and Enjoyable is how they should do it.
And they should always take the time to do it... as often as possible in fact.
Because whatever Relaxation means to you, whatever Restores your Body, Mind, Spirit and Soul should be included in your Lifestyle and not just as an afterthought or squeezed in to a day or string of days packed with what you DON'T find to be Relaxing and Replenishing.
I often see too many people sadly neglecting the forms of Relaxation that would make all the difference in their Lives... their attitude, their outlook and their Health and Well Being. 
I'm glad that I've always given Relaxation, my Style, a priority in my Life... not as an afterthought, but as a necessity and something I strive to do as often as I can, for as long as I can, whenever I can.
Taking the time to do what brings that Restorative Touch to our Lives and Spirit... it doesn't have to be anything specifically Planned or Saved for... even the Simple Joys of Life can be the greatest forms of Relaxation and food for the Soul.
I want to thank our Friend Shelly, of RUST & ROSES, for allowing the G-Kids and I to have some fun Gypsy Style Relaxation at her Shop and in the R&R Mini Manse prior to us attending the G-Kids Special Event nearby.  Being around Beautiful Bohemian Surroundings is always an ideal form of Relaxation for all of us... it's comfortable, familiar, its how we roll... and we wouldn't want it any other way.  And in tomorrow's Post I'll give you some close-ups of the fabulous Vintage Gypsy Belt that I scored at RUST & ROSES this Fine Day of Relaxation Gypsy Style!

I'm joining the Blog Party over at 5 MINUTES JUST FOR ME for PINNING & SINGING ON THE WEEKEND.  I've added some of my fav shots to my Pinterest Board and for those of you who also enjoy Pinterest, this would be a Blog Party you'll thoroughly enjoy participating in... so head on over and see all the Pinning & Singing being Shared today!

May you always make the time for Relaxation too, YOUR Style my Friends... Dawn... The Bohemian 

*All Lovely Photos today taken in the RUST & ROSES Mini Manse Gypsy Caravan... yeah, Shelly, the G-Kids and I could most definitely Live here during our many Travels! Winks*  
