My Niece & her Husband asked if they could take the G-Kids Trick-Or-Treating with them this year and to some more Halloween Parties at the Military Base where they live... we agreed, knowing they'd all have a big time & come back weary but laden with Treats.

So The Man and I settled in to peacefully watch our Halloween Marathon of Programs and wait for the  Trick-Or-Treaters to show up in our Neighborhood.  I enjoy seeing all the Costumes and handing out the Treats. So I was looking forward to that since usually I'm the one taking the Children
 Trick-Or-Treating and by the time we usually get Home its quite late & things are winding down.

I lit all the Candles and set the Mood in this Old House... though we intentionally don't make it Creepy or Haunted looking since a Century Old Home has quite enough of that ambiance naturally and we learned early on it scares the people off! *LOL*  So we keep the exterior more a Harvest Themed scene... 

With lots of bright fresh Flowers in rich Autumn hues... 

And lots of uncarved Fresh and Faux Pumpkins scattered around the front Porch... to make it Inviting, Warm and Welcoming, rather than Scary...

And the Bohemian Cat Boys, Rusty & Morris, eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Treat-Or-Treating Children who usually fuss over them.

And they waited... and waited... and waited some more... but where ARE all those Children?!?!???! Note disgusted looking expressions... and there was much plaintive Melancholy Meowing through the screen door, protesting that nobody was apparently coming!!!???

I sat through my Programs virtually uninterrupted... and able to eat my Fresh Fruit Tart in one sitting... and the abundant Treats sat there waiting for their recipients to arrive...

Sure... there were the inevitable few Families that scurried by without stopping... afraid to come up to the "Old Haunted House"... usually crossing the street to the other side so they don't even have to walk past... *Winks*

But usually we get SOME Trick-Or-Treaters, though being an Old Neighborhood, perhaps not so many as the newer Neighborhoods with Younger Families.

But this year it was a trickle... the first being a Young Man with his tiny little Female Chihuahua dressed in a Pink sparkly Tutu ensemble!  Adorable... wish I'd had some Doggie Treats & my Camera at the ready! 

Though he held her securely in his arms she was shaking & shivering in fear of the Bohemian Cat Boys glaring fiercely up at her. *Winks*  As if to say, hey, wait a minute, this isn't what we're waiting for... she ain't no Kid!!! *Smiles, sorry, I assume they use bad grammar like that being they came to us as scrappy ole' Street Wise Alley Cats?*  Okay, so Chihuahua's tend to do that anyway so perhaps she always shakes & shivers, but the Bohemian Cat Boys seemed smug that she looked so nervously down at them, they that were each more than twice her size. *LOL*

And by the end of the Night I still had huge bowls full of Candy & Treats... and only a handful of Trick-Or-Treaters that came by this Halloween Night. *Le Sigh*  I recall a time when our Street would be alive with Children and Laughter on Halloween Night and so it was rather disappointing that so few were around this year and the Street looked deserted all Night... and it left me wondering... where did all the Trick-Or-Treaters go?  It's not like when I was a Child... or even when our Children were Young... and I wonder... alas, is Trick-Or-Treating becoming a thing of the Past? Are People becoming too fearful to go door to door?  Are too many People refusing to participate and hand out Candy to the Children?  I sincerely Hope not!?!

But it wasn't too long before some of my favorite Trick-Or-Treaters finally showed back up, heavily laden with Treats and thoroughly exhausted from the Night's Halloween Parties & Events... though certainly not quite as exhausted as my Niece and her Husband looked after taking on the Dynamic Duo along with their own Infant Daughter! *LOL*  Brave Young Souls that they are... Aunt Dawn THANKS YOU!  *Winks*

The Good Witch... Princess T... who had changed Couture Witches Hats several times... Stylish Diva that she is... *LOL*

And right behind her was her Big Bro', the Asian Sun Martial Arts Master, Prince R...

Who had finally come to terms with & decided that his Halloween Costume that Gramma had gone Junquin' for had gotten him a lot of compliments and inquiries about the authenticity of it, so now he was all Smiles about it and thinking perhaps it had been the best choice yet. *Winks*

The Son as 'The Crow'

Source: Bing Images ~ Brandon Lee as 'The Crow'

And The Son came Home from Work just before Midnight & settled in to watch the remainder of the Ghost Hunters Marathon at the Asylum with me... he'd worn Costume all week and the Customers were Loving it... several thought he looked somewhat like Brandon Lee in his 'Crow' Face Paint...

And yep, Yours Truly was still a Sugar Skull Girl for the Evening...  Because I'm a Big Kid at Heart and I Love Costumes and Face Painting...

And because we didn't hand out hardly any of our Candies & Treats... and the G-Kids scored the Motherlode of Treats on Base Halloween Night... well, we're sure to be on a Sugar high for some time to come... *LOL*

I'm joining the WHITE WEDNESDAY Blog Party over at FADED CHARM... Sugar Skull Faces are White, right? *Winks*

I Hope your Halloween Celebrations were all that you anticipated and prepared for...
Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian  
