One of the nicest things about tucking Old Photos amid the branches of our Tree this year is that it becomes not only a Salvage Style Tree of Found Treasures... but also a Memory Tree of Treasured Family Moments in Time & Precious Loved Ones.

Many of the Moments were long before I was even born... and are Cherished Family Photos capturing Generations of the Bohemian Valhalla Clan that I have Inherited from previous Generations of my Family. 

And some are Memories I was a part of too... yep, that's Vintage Me with Mom & my Lil Bro', wearing my Birthday Princess Crown... oh, yes, there have been many Diva Bohemian Princesses in this Family!!! *Winks*

And when I behold this Lovely Sepia Photo of my Mom at the age her Great-Grandchild Princess T now is... I see features passed down for numerous Generations as well... a reflection of ourselves seen in the faces of the Past and the Present Generations... and what a Gift that is my Friends!

In so many ways the Past and Present meld and we are so much alike in our ways... in our Loves... in our Passions and sense of Style... Mom, an Original Bohemian to the core, in Silk Kimona and Ruffled Bloomers... some things never really go out of Style, they just become resurrected in successive Generations that learn to appreciate them...

Each Era having had it's distinctions, and yet, it's similarities because we are of one Blood and lineage.

And we can recognize ourselves in these Vintage Images... even those that preceeded us. This is my Paternal Grandma on the Reservation in Oklahoma.

Yes, some things never really change do they?  That's my Maternal Gran-Gran on the far Right with the Carnation Corsage, his favorite Flower.

And for me at least, though I Live my Life in full blown Color... I have always had an affection for the Old Time Photos in Hues of Sepia and in Black & White. 

It's a shame really that so few Photos are now taken in those Colors... or absence of Color, whichever way you choose to look at it.

And in the Wonderful Old Graphics and Embossing of Yesteryear...

And as I gaze at the Shenanigans of my Nanna, my Aunt and my Mom in this Photo it is not unlike the silly simple things that I also enjoy with Family & Friends even now. 

We have always been a Family of few inhibitions and a zest for Life... and I'm glad of that...

Better to be distinctive and True to yourself than to be a facade of what you assume others expect of you or think about you...

Even if the Real You is outside of the box and colors outside of the lines... it's okay you know... you're fearfully and wonderfully made with Divine Purpose!!!

And I Hope you embrace that Truth... and remember to embrace each other and Love unconditionally and with all Sincerity from your Heart...

Because during this most Holy Season... Great Love was and still is the Reason for the Season and we should respond in kind to Honor Him... and be Thankful of that Selfless Gift that is Our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ...

And our Hope for You is that there will be many sweet, Beautiful Memories to draw upon and Celebrate this Christmas Season and throughout the coming New Year... and know that you are Loved!

Because if there are... you can consider yourselves fortunate and Blessed... and have much to be Thankful and Grateful for and so pay it forward.

Because then Your Light will shine Brightly upon others... and they will feel the warmth, feel the Love... and their time spent with YOU might become some of their sweet, Beautiful Memories to draw upon and Celebrate!

I'm joining Debra's Blog Party over at COMMON GROUND where Thankfulness and Inspiration this Holiday Season is abounding!  Come on over and join us my Friends...

I'm also linking up with THE FRENCH CUPBOARD Blog Party where everyone is sharing their Holiday Inspirations... so come... be Inspired and share YOUR Inspiration for the Holiday Season my Friends...

Merry Christmas... Dawn... The Bohemian