As we continue on our visually delightful Tour of SWEET SALVAGE'S Event of DECK THE HALLS DECK IT ALL, let me ask a question my Friends...

Is the Spirit of Christmas alive and well in your Hearts?

In your Homes?

I Pray that the answer to that question is a resounding yes!!!

Because it would truly be a shame to miss out on what the Season is meant to impart.

As we each prepare for the Holiday my Hope is that each person represents what meaning and significance it has for them well... and in the True Spirit of Christmas.

Because it is a Christian Holiday that Celebrates Jesus' Birth.  So those Celebrating and preparing for it are presumed to be Christians to the casual observer in public... and therefore the Witness presented is perhaps more meaningful than you might think.

And perhaps the Spiritual significance today has somewhat been lost in the Commercialization of the Celebration... the Festivities and Fun of it all...

Perhaps it has come to signify and mean different things to different people... but my Hope is that the Spirit of Christmas within each Dear Soul will still be alive and well.

The Spirit of Christmas is after all not really in things, in the decorating... no matter how pretty and Joyful it all might make us feel...

No, the Spirit of Christmas is in the Heart and the outward expression of it is within our Actions... especially our Actions towards others.

It can be expressed in the exchange of Heartfelt Gifts during this Season... but it needn't be expressed that way entirely.

The Giving of Ourselves is often a greater Gift to others... in the form of our Time, Treasures and Talents Joyfully Shared...

And I often wonder how different the World might be if Love were expressed more in all that each of us says and does? 

 If the True Spirit of Christmas were not just reserved for a short Season, but perpetually? 

What if Love in Action abounded and out of that abundance of Spiritual Maturity the focus was off of self and extended instead towards others?

On not only how to be Blessed... but how to BE a Blessing?

Because I do Believe there is a Promise attached to such Selfless Service to the Lord and Others... being His Hands and Feet on this side of Time and Eternity.

Having others come to know Him through us... extending the Gospel to the World, not just in words, but in Actions... using words only when we have to because the Actions would speak so clearly, so loudly, so Lovingly, so eloquently and magnetically.

Haven't you ever had someone be so good to you, Love you so unconditionally, that there were no words to express how much that has meant... what a difference it has made in your Life, circumstances and Spirit?

I have... and because it has touched me so profoundly it has Inspired me to rise to that level myself many times and pay it forward. 

It has a ripple effect... this Love in Action... like a stone thrown into a pond... it changes the environment it is touching.

It is a powerful Force... and once someone is touched by sincere Love in Action, they are forever changed in a positive way.

Because really, who doesn't want to be Loved and Accepted???

Who doesn't want to be appreciated and Celebrated for who they are?

Who among us when we've had a need hasn't been relieved to be met at their point of need?  And appreciate someone being observant and responsive enough to being there for us... sometimes without even asking?

And it needn't be in huge gestures.  Mother Teresa once said that we needn't do great things, just small things with Great Love... and that's so very True.  Don't discount your little bits... they add up in the grand scheme of things.

Sometimes just the simple things mean more than you'll ever know to someone... a Smile... a kind word... sincere appreciation and acknowledgement expressed for someone's hard work or effort.  

Recognition for someone's particular Talents and Giftings... we ALL have them you know, something Special has been put into each of us with Divine Purpose.

We all have the capacity to be a Light to someone.  And Light always chases away darkness... even a small glimmer of Light in a room casts out the darkness and illuminates the surroundings.

So... imagine if you will if each of us were Intentional about being that bold... that bright a Light to someone... anyone... how would it change the World around us I wonder?  One person at a time...

Though it would certainly overwhelm us to attempt to do it all... be it all... we can do something and be a small part of the Solution in some way.

And maybe that is the best Gift we could give this Holiday Season?  In the True Spirit Of Christmas...

Which I choose to Believe IS still alive and well... because I do still see evidence of it in many of you...

And I Hope you've seen it alive and well in me too?

And as we move forward to the Celebration of Thanksgiving... well, that is one of the many things I am personally Thankful for...

Those that have made a profound difference in my Life... and you know who you are... and I'm Thankful for you each and every day.

And try to return the favor as often as I can and am able.

Because what a wonderful Legacy it is to be remembered in such a Light... as BEING a Blessing!!!

May the Spirit of Christmas abide in your Lives.  And may you have MUCH to be Thankful for this Thanksgiving as well.  May you weigh the effect you and your Family have upon your sphere of Influence...

And come back tomorrow for more of the amazing Visuals at SWEET SALVAGE'S four day Event...  and continue to reflect upon what Christmas means to you?

The SWEET SALVAGE Team is deserving of every good Blessing that comes their way... and I'm so Happy for the amazing Success of their Occassional Sale Events... and the support the Community has given to their venture... their Dream... so Beautifully and pleasantly presented to all of us... they work so very hard to Serve us during our Shopping experience... 

They are a wonderful group of people that I have been Blessed to know and introduce you to here in the Land of Blog.

And if you get the chance to stop by and meet them in person, please do... you'll be glad you did.

And here they all are... Beautifully Photographed with Brooke and Sourced from her Blog VELVET & LINEN during her Book Signing {PATINA STYLE} at last Month's Event.

I'll see you tomorrow then...

Dawn... The Bohemian
