So here's the Close-Ups of the Fabulous Vintage Gypsy Belt I 'Scored' at my Friend Shelly's Shop, RUST & ROSES while the G-Kids and I were on the go having our day of Relaxation, Gypsy Style.
Lovely Tooled Leather with Vibrant Blue Velvet and Gold Lace Cut Out Inserts and an Amazing Brass Ornate Buckle with Tassles, Chains and Inlaid Polished Wood Accents.  This couldn't have been more perfectly My Style if I'd had it Custom Made for me so my Heart fairly skipped a beat when I spied it at the Shop.  And it was a great Deal so it doesn't get any better than that my Friends!!!  Don't you just Love it when you discover a Found Treasure that has Your Style written all over it!?!  Yep, it made a Wonderful Day of Gypsy Style Relaxation even more Enjoyable and Fulfilling... good times with Family and Friends AND 'Scoring' a Fabulous Found Treasure = a Perfect Day!!!

Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian