Okay, remember me recounting the tragic accident my Beloved Dia de los Muertos Skull, Mr. Skully {on the right}, had recently?  Where he bounced off the table after my careless, hasty displacement of him during a Photo Shoot... & had to have Emergency Craft Surgery to put him back together again, like Humpty Dumpty?

Well, I think I found the perfect way to make it up to him... I found Mr. Skully a Mate!  And a Fine one it is too, don't they look simply Divine together!?!

Yes, Mr. Skully has a Mate... and here's her Story...

She was Created by an Amazingly Talented local Native American, Yaqui Artist Ben Molina, known as The Creative Native.  Ben's Works of Art have been displayed in different Museums throughout Arizona.

I LOVE Native American Art... and I LOVE Dia de los Muertos Art...

So combine the two and I'm in Bohemian Valhalla!!!

Ben has a Booth at one of my favorite Antique Malls THE BRASS ARMADILLO in Phoenix.

Ben's Art is Superb and you can find many Traditional  & Ceremonial Native American Tribal pieces Created by him too.

I've admired his Work for some time now and am delighted to finally own a piece.

All of his Creations are one of a kind and signed.

As a person of Native American Ancestry I truly appreciate Tribal Art and even modern interpretations of Tribal Art on eclectic pieces.

This is a fabulous addition to my Dia de los Muertos Collection and will make a Beautiful Addition to next year's Altar to my Ancestors and Loved Ones who have gone before us.

I was told that Ben had just brought the piece in the day that I purchased it since he had just finished it... and he'd be delighted that someone had appreciate it so quickly after his Creation of it.

I just Believe that I was fortunate to see it first and have the opportunity to own it.

A piece like this wouldn't have remained long... and even though I was slightly hesitant to make a purchase so close to the Holidays for myself, I knew that if I waited, I risked missing a golden opportunity to own a piece I absolutely adored and was drawn to like a Moth to a flame.
I was glad that the BFF, Tina, had talked me into accompanying her to THE BRASS ARMADILLO that particular Evening so I could discover this piece just in time.

Some of the best Treasures just have a way of finding you don't they?

And I think they look so perfect together... the Dia de los Muertos Yaqui Skull and Mr. Skully.

And I'm so excited to show her off... so I'm entering my new acquisition that I'm Primping my Space with here at the Ole' Homestead to PRIMP YOUR STUFF WEDNESDAY Linky Party Hosted by Michele over at {PRIMP}, you'll be so Inspired by everyone's Primping, so head on over... yeah, I know, I never enter these things on time... but better late than never I always say... and anyway, I didn't have her on Wednesday! *LOL*

And I want to tell you about another Amazing Giveaway here in the Land Of Blog, over at my Blog Friend Debra's COMMON GROUND Blog... there is not only the FABULOUS FALL FUN VINTAGE INSPIRATION FRIDAY Blog Party going on, but also the ALL THINGS FRENCH GIVE AWAY CELEBRATION!!!  And just behold just some of the fabulous Prizes in the above Photo Mosaic that you could win my Friends!  So, hurry on over, entry ends November 28th so  you still have time to be a potential recipient of more Blogland Legendary Generosity!  And for those of us who are Francophiles, this French Giveaway gets our pulses racing in overdrive!!! 

And wait... there's even MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Source: FRENCH FARMHOUSE 425 Give-Away!!!

And for another Romantic Inspired generous Giveaway here in the Land of Blog, head on over to my Blog Friend Rachel's Beautiful Blog, FRENCH FARMHOUSE 425 for a chance to enter to win these Lovely Ruffled Linen Christmas Stockings created by Christiana of RUFFLED LINENS whose Heart is as big as her Talent at Creating Romantic Ruffled Linens!!  You still have until November 25th to Enter this Giveaway my Friends... and check out Christiana's Etsy Shop for more of her Lovely Romantic Creations.

Dawn... The Bohemian