Bohemian Bling... I adore it! Old gaudy Brooches... and if they come with a matching pair of Earrings, all the more the better! I rarely wear them as they were intended though... I take Artistic liberties with them and my creative juices start flowing as to what they will become... a new piece of wearable Art Jewelry, or perhaps an embellishment on either a vintage Slip, a Fabric and Silk Rosette or one of my Carpet Bag creations?

I've got Bling Boxes and Bling Tins all over my Studio and Home, all filled with fabulous Bohemian Bling collected over the years. Here... let me take you inside of one... an antique Bling Box which is a work of Art in and of itself... looks like a lovely antique framed painting of Cabbage Roses... but wallah... open it up and inside it's actually a Mirror and Jewelry Box... a "Secret" Bling Box... how cool is that?!

Some of my favorite European Bohemian Bling came out of West Germany, the backs are as elaborate as the fronts, intricate filigree... seems a shame sometimes to sew them securely onto a piece knowing that the gorgeous backs will never be seen again.

Some of my pieces are decidedly costume and others are more exquisite and precious... especially the Cameos or the Victorian Sash Pins with semi-precious Stones. But I like anything that sparkles and is over the top in design... so even those old Paste pieces, or the damaged pieces, are likely to be snapped up by me if the price is right... when I'm finished with them their beauty will only be magnified by the Creation they will become a centerpiece of. It does not have to be perfect for me to cherish, sometimes the imperfections are barely noticed or add a vintage charm to an obviously well loved and often worn piece I find. Did you notice for example that the oversized vintage Rhinestone Shoe Clip attached to the Brown lacy Bag has a few of it's stones missing? Me either... which is probably why it was only a couple of bucks... and honestly, if I've got to look THAT hard to find imperfection and flaws in a piece... it passes my inspection and standards for turning into Bohemian wearable Art. It still sparkles and flashes in a blinding array of prism intensity of colors when the light hits it and adds interest to a piece and gives it some pizzaz don't you think?

Sometimes I just like to display my beloved Bling in vignettes or take them out of their Bling Tins and Bling Boxes to admire, re-arrange and sort for future projects... it makes me happy just to enjoy their beauty and creativity, each being a tiny work of Art created back in time by some Artist with a vision for the piece... and they give me inspiration for the pieces I will create using them... often I'll design a whole piece around one of them.

So, for you other Junquettes and Gypsy Souls who are equally enamored and romanced by the Bohemian Bling... welcome to the Sisterhood Of Bling... may we sparkle and radiate Beauty as much as our beloved pieces do... Dawn ... The Bohemian