Introducing my beloved sidekicks, the two of our Grandchildren who live with us and we're raising, was something I wasn't certain about either. But they're excited about Gramma's Blog, in fact, they were my assistants in bringing it to fruition... since today's children are far more Tech savvy than those of our generation! *LOL* They wanted to be a part of it, and since they're a huge part of my everyday life... why not show them off. We're very proud of all of our Grandkids, but these two get to accompany Gramma on most of her excursions and have more input in the decorating and design process of the Home we share. Unlike the ones who don't live with us, they've grown up around all my stuff and more intimately know what I love and join in the fun of it with me often. So, perhaps they'll be the 'next generation' of 'keepers of the past' and scavengers of found treasures?!!??! *smiles* They say that kids learn what they live... and these two live the Bohemian Valhalla lifestyle right along with me... partake of the rituals, traditions and fun we make of it as we do life together.

As you can see, another enjoyable pastime of ours is going all out for the Holidays, decorating our Home in complete Holiday theme and regalia for every Seasonal celebration... and dressing up... don't you just LOVE to dress up???!!!!... does it get any better and more fun than that my Friends?! And I go treasure hunting for the costumes and decor too... the two outfits the Grandkids are modeling, Thrift Store finds... less than $10 FOR BOTH!!! Don't you just love a BARGAIN TOO, what can possibly make your Heart skip a beat or race faster than that perfect find at an unbelievable price!!! *Smiles* We LOVE the Holidays... ALL of them. I've been collecting my Holiday decor for about as long as I've been collecting everything else... so this ole' House gets totally tricked out for them all. It's a particular blast during Halloween because after all... we live in a very old (reaching the 100 year mark) Home that some deem creepy, some are convinced is Haunted, and lends itself perfectly to that particular Holiday. We usually have to go the route of the Harvest theme with more whimsy than fear factor, just to ensure we don't scare all of the Trick-Or-Treating kiddies away! *LOL* Yet, it takes the brave ones to even enter the gates, even though we keep it as inviting as possible without totally terrorizing the imagination! The Grandson still feels we could end up on an episode of "Ghost Hunters" and the Son still feels I'm more likely to end up on an episode of "Hoarders"... so we'll see?! *wink*

Well, we've mentioned the Son now... and he's out there in cyberspace on his own Pages anyway so I'll show him off too while we're parading part of the Family by you... *smiles* And of coarse there's the dear Husband, lovingly hereafter referred to as 'The Man'... since who else is tasked to do all the Honey-Do projects I dream up and need manifested into our personal Valhalla but 'The Man'!? *LOL* Earning his Sainthood he is, enduring my passions and excesses all these years! It's not all of the crew... and perhaps in due time I'll share more of them... we're growing all the time in numbers, being a prolific bunch *wink* and I'm as passionate about Family as I am about those treasured items I seek out, they... the Family... are my "true treasures" in life, PRICELESS in fact.

My hope is that you too have those treasured relationships and treasured items that complete you and make life worth living and cherishing every day. That each Holiday makes you excited and enjoying it with childlike wonder. That you dress up, act silly sometimes, skip, still do some of the things you delighted in most during your childhood... and no matter how old you get, don't forget what it was like to be young... have a beautiful day and live a beautiful life always... Dawn... The Bohemian