I didn't realize that other Junkers were equally afflicted until I started to read their posts, I'm talking about Junquing Withdrawal! I had wondered if there were others like me, well, and one of my BFF Junkin' Partners... other people who, like us, actually started showing signs of WITHDRAWAL if we hadn't been able to hit a Flea Market, Thrift Store, Yard Sale, Tag Sale, Salvage Yard, Antique Mall or Show, Junque Haven or just drive around Junk Hunting like a pair of Pickers!?!

When other people are looking forward to Holiday activities, I'm quite often quivering at the prospect that just about any Holiday also means a SALE at our favorite secondhand haunts! The only thing better than scoring a found treasure... you got it... scoring that found treasure at an even deeper discount! *wink* The thrill of the hunt is intensified when there's an explosion of fellow Junkers swarming on Sale or Festival days where mounds of treasures await discovery and picking! Even better when vendors of such wares amass to give us eye candy overload with even greater volumes of great Junque, breathtaking displays and vignettes, better variety and an atmosphere of being in Junque Heaven among OUR PEOPLE!

When I've been absent from the Junquing Circuit for too long I'm like a Junk Junkie craving a 'fix'... equally pathetic really as I've been known to mope, pout, get a bit depressed even and not know what to do with myself when I'm not 'on the hunt' for an extended period of time! When I reach critical mass and saturation point with found treasures I've had to do the usual editing, selling, give-aways, donations... to make room for... that's right MORE JUNQUE! I don't know that they have Rehab for folks like us *wink* but I don't know that I'd go even if they did... though I freely acknowledge my affliction... I'll probably choose to go to the grave with it because it has become a very enjoyable aspect of who I am at my very core. It's not something I desperately or even really want to stop doing you see.

I recently came across a delightful Blog called 'Vintage Rescue Squad' and I adored the name... because that is exactly how I view myself and others like me, we ARE like a squad that rescues vintage treasures aren't we? And if we don't do it, who will? Would it be forever lost and forgotten? Would we want to risk that? I truly believe that future generations may learn to appreciate our passion for rescuing, collecting, re-purposing and being the keepers of the past of those precious antique and vintage treasures. Those items may end up being the last of their kind in existence... sprinkled across the globe in the Homes and collections of those who cared enough to hunt them down, drag them Home and pass them along... So, carry on my Junquing Friends... you can be sure I'll be out there with you... and my Posse... Dawn ... The Bohemian