'Soul Temple Rooms' by Viola St. Pierre

'Soul Temple Room' by Viola St. Pierre

I have an extensive collection of vintage Stained Glass Windows, each one salvaged from an old home, many of which were remodeled or sadly, razed, and I can only imagine how lovely the rest of the lost home was if the beautiful windows salvaged from it are any indication of the beauty that lay within?

I love the way the light reflects through stained glass and the exquisite craftsmanship, the varieties, textures and colors of glass used are extensive. My Son has been a Glazier for years and he has versed me on how much skill it took to create and install some of the stained glass, beveled glass and custom glass in many of my antique pieces... IF it could be replicated today with the same skill and craftsmanship, it would come at a very significant cost. So to acquire many of these salvaged beauties at the modest prices I've paid, or even found curbside for free, has been very exciting in my salvaging forrays. To come upon a piece that is still in its original frame and condition is bliss. I'd have to say that Stained Glass pieces are among my very favorite items to collect and find uses for in my Home. In due time I have a vision to create a 'Soul Temple Room' created entirely of salvaged antique Doors and Stained Glass Windows... a room that is reminiscent of the Conservatories of old, but with a funky twist. I saw the idea in a magazine article years ago profiling a California Artist named Viola St. Pierre and I was mesmerized by the rooms she created with the very treasures I happen to collect and have an abundance of. Collages of color and light, Sun Rooms made entirely of these beautiful pieces of salvage and Art... like a small part of Heaven on Earth. Naturally I cut the article out and added it to my Inspiration Library of books I've created... and an extensive one it has grown to be! *wink* It is a beautiful way to 'go Green' and repurpose grand architectural pieces into something useful, inspiring and artistically creative. Right now we sit outside often in our various outdoor room vignettes, some have coverings from the elements, but to have an indoor/outdoor room or rooms to do so would be ideal, especially in our climate, which can at times be quite harsh here in the Valley of the Sun and seemingly as hot as the surface of the Sun. *smiles*

One day I shall have my 'Soul Temple Rooms' attached to this ole' House... another of the many dreams and projects laid out for the future. May you continue to have vision and dreams of future projects that will enrich your lives as well. Colorfully yours... Dawn... The Bohemian