I've had pretty good luck in our locale finding good Junque and talented Artists to score my Treasures from, there's a fairly abundant slew of Thrift Stores, Antique districts, shows, secondhand stores and Flea Markets in the County and Cities around me. However, we're not known as one of the Meccas of Junquing and so I'd still love to take some Road Trips to the more renown Junkin' Paradises strewn across the Country and Europe.
Yes, places like Marburger Farm Antique Show in Texas, Pasadena Rose Bowl Flea Market in California, Le Puces in Paris, Portobello Road Market in England, Brimfield Antique Show in Massachusetts, Aloha Stadium Swap Meet in Hawaii... okay, so that one may be more an excuse just to get to go to Hawaii! *wink* Just to be able to experience some of the well known shows and markets would be a treat... though I'd probably have to rent a U-Haul and possibly even storage space on such adventures! *smiles* It could possibly be sensory overload to my system to see that much potential for Treasure hunting all at once?! Can a Junkin' Junkie overdose on too much shopping??! We'd probably find out... And I'm pretty certain The Man would be fending off a potential Stroke turning me loose in such places!? *LOL* He already gets skeeeeeerd when vendors at my local haunts seem like old Friends and know me on a first name basis! *smiles*
But one day... some of these Meccas of Junquing are on my 'bucket list' and I shall try to get there in due time, at least once... twice if I like it! *wink* What locales are on your list? Which ones are you dying to experience? Which have you experienced and can't wait to get back to? We could even rate them... like the Junquing Olympics... and I'm fairly certain that we'd ALL be Gold Medal winners at these Games... Dawn... The Bohemian

PS: Had to show off our little Stray Girl kitty that the Grandkids and I managed to find a wonderful Home for... hard to let her go because her personality was just precious... but we know she's well loved... the Grandkids had named her Violet, but her new Family have re-named her Savannah