I like things that are different, people that are different, styles that are different... I'm rather a Queen of quirky and we've been known to have eclectic tastes in the Family. I'll be drawn to the unusual... wind chimes made of old Cattle Tags, a Crucifix lovingly made of matchsticks and then doused with glitter, distinctive and over-the-top Art, Fountains made of interesting or everyday items, finding Art in the most unlikely of places. I like to strike up conversations with people that are interesting and different, they usually have the best stories to tell and have done some of the most fascinating things in their lives. Living creatively is as fascinating to me as creating objects... and if you've lived a most interesting and unusual life I'd definitely want to sit down, pour us some Tea, and have you tell me your story.

We like to dress up in old Silk Kimonas, which we'll hang up right beside the new exercise equipment *LOL*, you remember the Addam's Family House... well, ours can be as quirky. We sport face paintings or Mendhi without inhibition... I'll wear Silk or Lacy Slips and Camisoles as outerwear... I enjoy jewelry that is very creative and flashy with such things as antique drawer pulls and old pocket watch parts mixed with Pearls. The Designers I enjoy most and have a preference for wearing always have a distinctive point of view. My comfort level is often found in those things that are unique and unusual, sameness absolutely bores me and I am rarely inspired by or interested in the common, the mass produced and the fads. Quirky may not always been understood or appreciated, but its never boring. Variety is the spice of life and has been my Mantra for years. If there is something that most people would find as an oddity I'll probably like it... and am even more likely to want to have it... or I might already have one! *wink*

If you've been inhibited about daring to be different, even if it is inside of you and dying to get out, I challenge you to throw those inhibitions aside and live the life you were meant to enjoy... quirks and all!!! You'll be so much happier and content to be 'real' rather than conforming to what you have been stifling yourself to live out in a mere facade of who you are presenting to the world... in order to fit in, blend in or go along... Go ahead, dare to step out, be different and celebrate who you truly are from the inside out ... Dawn... The Bohemian