Is there anything that beats getting together with Family and having a day full of good food, fellowship, fantasies and fun?  I'm such a big kid at Heart that if I can muster the stamina and strength for it, I'm all in for a fun filled day with those that I love.  The Party for our Princess turning five was such a day and it fulfilled our expectations for a great time together celebrating.   Originally I had been somewhat guarded about this particular celebration because mustering strength and stamina had been a challenge for me that week... so we scaled it down... well, by OUR standards it was scaled down anyway... *smiles*...  which just meant scaling down on a Guest list and doing MORE with a select few! *LOL* We are, after all, the Life Is A Party-All-The-Time People and we don't really have to have a reason to break out in celebration-mode and have a good time, celebrating Life is something I try to do each day if possible in some enjoyable and memorable way.  Enjoying Life IS what Memories are made of.   After all, who on their deathbed ever is likely to say, "Gee, we did too much, Loved too much and enjoyed Life too completely..."  EXACTLY my Friends, not a Soul... so why wait... enjoy Life as completely as possible... Love with all your Heart... Cherish and spend quality time with those who mean the most to you... have fun and create your Fantasy World around you... you won't regret it...  Dawn... The Bohemian  