I'm Green... I'm SO having major envy as, once again, I'm missing the Marburger/Round Top Show in Texas and reading about the fellow Blogettes that are getting to go. *le sigh*  Lucky Gals... guess I'll have to live vicariously again through your posts and photos of the event... and believe me, it's much appreciated that you take the time to document and share... for all of us who weren't able to get there.  I got a sneak preview from Peacock Park Design post, Gina graced her post with amazing photos of behind the scenes pre-show delights!   My fav of coarse was the Magnolia Pearl booth, Robin and John, as always, delight the senses and the eye with their creative genius...  just look at that amazing prop in front of Robin and John's booth!   The Artists and Gatherers of fab Junque extraordinaire always put forth such a show in the way they decorate their space for this amazing show... that alone would be worth the admission price... the Art of display has always intrigued me and usually what lures me into a space to explore deeper and stimulate the senses and fuel the thrill of the hunt for new Found Treasures and Bohemian ensembles.  This particular Show is still high on my 'Bucket List' and perhaps this Spring I shall find a way... *Hope Hope Hope*... Dawn... The Bohemian

"All images cribbed from either Bing Images or Posts of Bloggers who were lucky enough to attend the Show and share their experiences, Bless them all for allowing us who couldn't attend to see some of the awesome eye candy we missed."