Time spent in Sanctuaries is truly priceless.  You know those special places you can go to do any or all of the important "R's": recuperate, restore, recharge, read, regroup, relax, rest, romance.  Places to meditate, contemplate, Pray, daydream, create, have a Spiritual experience and get back to Center.  I try to make those Sanctuary places abundant in my life, not only in my Home but also outside of the Home in the Garden... and anywhere else I can go with regularity and feel that sense of connection with my Creator and Peace.  Places of restoration and pure Joy to be in the moment of... to feed my Soul and Spirit.  Regularity to escape to your Sanctuaries and spend time there is key here, because as life unfolds it can distract and drain us so that there are regular withdrawals from us and few deposits into us.  This can leave us tired and depleted, Spiritually and physically drained of our life energy and strength... and how can we give of ourselves if there is nothing much left within us?  Bankruptcy in any form is a tragedy, whether it's financial, physical, emotional or Spiritual.  We must guard against not being on our own "lists" of priorities... you must be on your list... somewhere... or eventually you won't be any good to anyone else either.

I try to spend a certain amount of time every day making certain I have time spent in one of my Sanctuaries.  The amount of time varies and very often the time of day varies, but it always pays dividends and is time well spent and invested.  The crazier my day has been the more I know I need my Sanctuary time and escape there when the window of opportunity presents itself.   It helps if I've had that time prior to the start of a day because truly it does alter the reactions and perceptions I'll have of whatever is going on in the moment... and the strength and fortitude to deal with it most appropriately and in the right Spirit.  At the end of a long day it is calming and restorative to spend time in Sanctuary mode also, being good to yourself.   Surround and insulate yourself with what you Love and have Passion for, then when things come against you it's really not so bad because Purpose and Peace have armed you well.   May you be in Purpose this day and may you have that Peace that passes all understanding and sufficient time spent in your Sanctuaries... in Peace and Love... Dawn... The Bohemian   