It was Vintage Black Friday hosted by 'French Cupboard' and I wanted to dig out something delightfully dark and ethereal since it was my first time participating. So, tonight I ventured into the Halloween Storage Closet on our back Porch... in the dark... it was pitch Black except for the flash of my camera... eerie... I wanted to get the creepiest vibe possible for haunting photos of my Halloween decor. *smiles* Okay, so it doesn't look quite as creepy in a photo as it was standing there in the darkness aimlessly pointing camera and flashing away at unseen objects. Amazing how light and illuminated a flash bulb can make a pitch Black room appear in a photo!!! There were REAL cobwebs now... a whole Season after everything was put away! I won't be using those though. *LOL* Very soon all the Halloween and Harvest regalia will come out again. Oh how I LOVE decorating for Holidays and Halloween marks the kick-off of the Holiday decorating Season for me so I'm quivering with anticipation! I REALLY want to do a Haunted House theme this year... but I won't... I'll likely stick with mostly whimsy Halloween and Harvest decor. Why you might ask? Because we live in a very old House that has been here almost a century now and has a local rep and lore of actually being Haunted. Granted, that might appear to be the IDEAL backdrop to put on a Haunted House display... IF you didn't want any Trick-Or-Treaters showing up! *smiles*

You see, the first couple of years we did it, not knowing how utterly terrifying it was for the locals... people didn't even want to walk on the same side of the street!!! We were left with no Guests and a huge stash of candy... desolate it was around the ole' Homestead Halloween Night... now I know how the Addams Family and The Munsters must have felt. *wink*

I have a yen for the dramatic, the macabre, the dark quirky tattered old and decayed look and feel of things... so this particular Holiday and decor is right up my alley! Is there anything more fascinating and hauntingly beautiful than an old abandoned building, a Victorian Mansion, a Ruin, a Castle, an overgrown Garden with tangles of Vines and deserted Courtyards... all with faded grandeur? Anything more fun than a Haunted Attraction, a scary Movie or Ghostly themed Reality Show, a Corn Field Maze, a Pumpkin Patch, decorating our Homes in over-the-top creepiness, dressing up in Costumes and living out fantasies? I just revel in it... I've already procured my Geisha Costume and Wig... after all, can a Gal ever have too many vintage Silk Kimonos? *wink* Grand-Daughter 'Princess' T already has her newest Belly Dancer ensemble... Grandson 'Prince' R is still debating his theme for this year. But soon, very soon, we'll be filling our Glass Potion Bottles with colored water... placing Black Candelabras, Black Lacey Piano Shawls, Jack-O-Lanterns and Pumpkins all over the House and Yard... popping in our classic scary movies for a marathon of horror... filling cauldrons with every imaginable candy and treat... and dressing up in our favorite costumes and exotic ensembles... I could do this more than once a year, yes, I really could... Dawn... The Bohemian