The temperatures dropped below 100 degrees today, it was all the motivation I needed... to get into the Autumn Vibe and break out the Pumpkins from storage! *LOL* There would be a small window of opportunity since it's projected to be back above 100 by the weekend, so it was a flurry of activity to jumpstart the Holiday decorating Season full force. I enlisted the Grandkids help and one by one the Pumpkins got stacked on the back Porch... and then in the Livingroom ready for their bath to wash off a year's worth of storage dust... filthy little Pumpkins!!! *wink* We had a virtual assembly line of Pumpkin washing and re-stacking. The Grandbabies did an excellent job and their stacks of Pumpkins looked so good that we decided to take turns photographing them even before we decorate with them all about the House and front Porch. I have budding Photographers in the making and now you get images from my perspective, a 10-year-old perspective and a 4-year-old perspective... and the irony is... their photography rivals mine... can you tell which is which??? I can't... though four of the above shots are theirs... IMO their photos are as good as mine... no brag, just fact. *Smiles... Okay, maybe a little brag... wink... what Gramma can't resist bragging on the Grandchildren!?*

So, within the next few days there will be a flurry of Harvest decorating for September... and then the first of October... we'll break out the Jack-O-Lanterns and Halloween decor to join the Pumpkinfest... ahhhhhhhhhh, don't you just love the start of the Holidays... I do, I'm tickled Pink... or should that be Orange??? ... Dawn... The Bohemian