The 4th of July will mean Picnics, Bar-B-Ques, Fireworks, Family & Fun...

But of coarse it means so much more doesn't it?

What does Patriotism mean to you my Friends?  What is the Essence of it in Daily Living here in our wonderful Country?  To me this lovely Quilt is Symbolic of some of the Essence of it... vast numbers  of them made with Love by the RIP N' SEW CLUB OF SUN CITY WEST for our Disabled and Hospitalized Veterans here at the local Phoenix VA Hospital and handed out to celebrate and honor those who have Served and Sacrificed... 

The Man was a recipient of this beautiful Labor of Love during one of his Hospitalizations there... and it meant so much to our entire Family and we cherish it... 

 Red, White & Blue...

Since it's the 4th of July I wanted to do somewhat of a Patriotic Post you see... showing the three 'Colors' that evoke a 4th of July vibe...

My way of seeing the "Colors" of "Old Glory" in my World...

Starting with the REDS that I have been drawn to over the year...

But I have never decorated with a Patriotic 'Theme' of Flags & Classic Americana... so it made this Post rather a challenge...

The "Traditional" ways of celebrating our wonderful Country's Heritage with loads of decorating with classic Red, White & Blue abounding in Home Decor just isn't something we do or even have a Collection of... so I didn't have the wonderful Memorabilia I see in so many Patriotic inspired Posts...

Though The Man has a cherished Family Heirloom, a signed American Flag his Dad brought back from Iwo Jima... but its not on 'display' so as to keep it preserved and undamaged.

We are a fiercely Patriotic Family in spite of not collecting Classic Americana... 

So my REDS will be all over the spectrum of the Color this day... and may not seem very 4th of July oriented except for representing the individual "Colors"... *Smiles*

My everyday REDS fresh from the Gardens...

My decor that has some REDS in it...

It really is a cheerful Color and so many beautiful Vintage items sport it...

And so this was my Patriotic homage to the RED...

And now for the WHITE ...

Which will be so much easier for me to find in my World...

Because it is a Color I'm very attracted and drawn to...

Even though I'm a very 'colorful' person, I've always liked WHITE...

Such a pure, fresh, restful, versatile Color...

I do have quite a lot of WHITE in our Home...

And though I've never been able to manage a predominantly WHITE decor, I do admire those who have managed to perfect it...

And here in the Desert I must say WHITE is a soothing environment on a sweltering day...
So the homage to the WHITE was effortless for my attempt at a Patriotic Colors inspired Post... I photograph it often...

And now on to the BLUE...

I must say it's a color I don't personally decorate with often and yet I do think it is beautiful...

The many shades of BLUE are very attractive to me, particularly Indigo...

And because the Sky and Waters are BLUE it is a Color that inspires many Artists...

And the fabulous creations using this Color have certainly appealed to me and attracted me to them...

Not to mention the original Color scheme of the exterior of this ole' House incorporates a vivid Caribbean BLUE... that we had to get used to and now we actually have fallen in Love with...
And our very own Princess T is quite "Bluesy" in her own exotic Style and way... *Smiles*... and I do Love my BLUE Vintage Motel Chair that matches the trim of my Home's exterior...

And who doesn't adore shades of BLUE shining through Stained Glass... 

Or in the form of luscious fresh Blueberries... which is the only BLUE food I can think of actually... *Smiles*  Yes, there is definitely a lack of that color in food...

Even NAVY BLUE is attractive to me when it's the binding of a Vintage Ledger or Book... 

And this fab Bluebird & BLUE Bling Becky Edwards creation in Carol's COTTAGE GARDEN Shop has been calling to me for a long time... perhaps for my Birthday?????? *Strong hint and telepathic vibe going out to The Man - LOL*... 

The Victorians were very bold in their use of Color, and it works... from furniture...

To old Steamer Trunk interiors...

But the best homage to BLUE is most definitely seen in Nature... the Sky... the Waters...

Well, I Hope you have enjoyed my feeble version of a somewhat Patriotic Post... *Winks*...


For even more peeks at Debra's amazing 4th of July Decorating visit COMMON GROUND

What Vintage Patriotic Items... or Red, White & Blue items have inspired YOU my Friends? Come on over to the Vintage Patriotic Blog Party at COMMON GROUND and show it off! 

And for an ultimate Patriotic Swoonfest... visit my Friend Richard's Blog at MY OLD HISTORIC HOUSE... He and Sissy Dog will make you feel right at Home and you will enjoy Historic Knowledge beyond compare...

Dawn... The Bohemian
