So, today we're wrapping up the Jerome Tranquility Tour my Friends...

The Man and I have certainly enjoyed having you along on our virtual Journey...

Enjoying every nook and cranny in this Beautiful Old Ghost of a Town...

Looking at it through my perspective, my eyes and lens...

Yes, I'm excessive in my Passions and Loves... *Winks*

But now that we're Friends and have Traveled together a while  you already know that about me... *LOL*

And perhaps even realized that we're Kindred Spirits and enjoy many of the same things...

Or have discovered a new Passion that might have been ignited in you as you go the Boheme' Route with us...

Yes, there might be a bit of the Bohemian in YOU too my Friend!? *Smiles*

Or a LOT... in which case your Adventures, Style and Passions already mirror mine and this is very familiar to you too and your 'norm'!?!

But it matters not... whether we are peas in a pod or polar opposites... Traveling together and sharing Life will be sure to connect us on a deeper level as Friends...

And we can share snippets of Life, Ramblings, Thoughts, Adventures, Style...

And you may choose to share a bit about yourself along the Journey during your visits...

And invite me into your World too...

So that I may get a glimpse into your Loves, Thoughts, Vision, Passions, Adventures & Style through your comments and Blogs...

This really is a wonderful Community to connect to in a personal way...

Because what we choose to share really does reveal us in a more intimate way than one might imagine at first...

I know that I began this Journey into the Land Of Blog never suspecting that it would transform into such a delightful experience...

And that I would so look forward to the time I spend here and the entries I'd Post and share...

And here I am one full year later... not tiring of it and in fact enjoying more & more each day...

And connecting to a Community of like-minded Souls who are fast becoming good Friends...

Whose company I'm thoroughly enjoying... and getting to know each other has been so enriching...

And encouraging... and inspiring... and rewarding...

And if you're new here I do Hope you'll come back again and introduce yourself...

Because getting to know you and do Life together is what makes our time on this side of Time and Eternity so worthwhile, don't you think?

Thank You for taking your precious time to do the Tranquility Tour with us...
I look forward to you joining us for our next Great Adventure...

Please join us for Show & Tell Friday at MY ROMANTIC HOME Blog.

Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

All I'm writing is just what I feel, that's all. I just keep it almost naked. And probably the words are so bland. - Jimi Hendrix

I'm the one that has to die when it's time for me to die, so let me live my life, the way I want to. - Jimi Hendrix