Source: COTTAGE GARDEN Blog ... yep, I was caught in the act of sidling up to the Buffet! And I have to wonder how I lost my girlish figure?!? *Winks... insert NOTE TO SELF to workout extra hard at the Gym! Smiles* 

It was time once again for Customer Appreciation Day over at COTTAGE GARDEN I & II ... Carol and the Shop Gals had prepared a lovely Brunch and packed both Cottages to the rafters with fabulous new finds from all the Shows they've been attending across the Country.  There were fresh new Fashions and Artist Creations, a very Frenchy vibe in some of the pretty vignettes... the air was fragrant with fresh Potpourri and Lavender... Shop #1 had a new facelift and both Porches and the Garden were perfect to enjoy a lovely Brunch on a Beautiful Morning and visit. 


There was the Fishbowl Discount Drawing with each Purchase so deals were abounding.  I had my usual Swoonfest over the Laura Van and Becky Edwards Creations... I always want it ALL! *Winks*  I got there early to give you a Blogfest of the Event before the crowds descended upon the Shops... and I know Carol will have more coverage of the Event on the COTTAGE GARDENS Blog soon... and showcase even more of the delightful Treasures to be scored at the Shops...

My 'Score'... Yes, shocking but true... I'm the Bad Fairy some days... *Winks*

Dawn... The Bohemian