Source: Bing Images

tex·ture [ tékschər ]   feel of surface: the feel and appearance of a surface

I have always adored Textures and I enjoy living a textured Life, perhaps that is why I've always been drawn to the feel and appearance of aged surfaces, they have such character, uniqueness and a richness that the elements of Time have bestowed upon them.

Textiles in particular have such an amazing variety of Textures that they are among my favorite Collectibles and are desired in the creation of my Art.  So it seemed only natural that I would gravitate strongly to the use of Textures once I began experimenting with Photography as yet another Art Form of personal expression.  I'm a novice at it but I'm so enjoying the process of learning and experimenting with Texturing my images.  You can allow your creativity to soar with altering images in a way that you find most pleasing or interesting to create a work of Art from even the most humble beginnings. 

 I've found that when layering Textures and Effects upon my Photography I can Salvage even the worst quality of image from it's original form.  That's terrific because haven't we all taken that special photo only to discover it didn't turn out right and yet we don't want to discard or delete it... or the retake of it wasn't quite as special as the original attempt? 
Now we can alter it in such a way that it can look magnificent to us and nobody would be any the wiser that before the transfer of layering Texture or Effects upon it, it was of poor or marginal quality! 

And what amateur Photographer isn't excited to see their Photos transform into something that looks quite professional and Artistic with the help of modern Technology!?  It makes me so glad that I delved head on into exploring and perfecting my technique.  With the encouragement of Loved ones and Blog Supporters who could see my progression and improvement of an Art Form that I'd always Loved, but never quite blossomed in or Hoped to master until now.  Following my Bliss has been an exciting Journey... developing an Online Journal to share it in has been quite an Adventure and Joy.

I know that I will always desire to maintain a Textured Life... because once you've experienced it... there's no turning back... you just wouldn't settle for anything less... and Texture is just one more layer of Beauty you can color your World with... to delight and indulge your senses...

And look who made it Home from Alaska early and surprised all of us at the Nursing Home yesterday afternoon... THE MAN!!!  His Lil Princess has not let him out of her sight or away from arm's length ever since he arrived! *Winks*  The G-Kids little faces lit up like Christmas Trees when he surprised us by walking through the door of Great-Nanna's Room at the Nursing Home!  They bailed on Gramma and Great-Nanna the moment they had their Grandpy back! *LOL*

Dawn... The Bohemian

Source: Debra's Creative Genius over at COMMON GROUND

Please join us for Debra's VINTAGE INSPIRATION FRIDAY Blog Party over at COMMON GROUND, Debra is taking us on a Tour of her delightful Studio and giving us a peek at some of her fabulous creations! *Swooning*
