I totally confess... I'm an absolute sucker for pretty packaging! I've been known to buy things just because of the eye catching packaging in fact! Not that it's necessarily been a bad thing, I have often found some of the best things come prettily packaged. I might never have tried some delightful new things had it not been for my desire to have the package it came in. And, lets face it, even if its not that good or special, if the package was a 'keeper' it was worth the investment just to get THAT! *wink* Or just to have the special presentation for that someone special you gifted with it and delighted with the pure eye candy of the present.

Flowering Teas almost always come packaged special... and they are a blast to brew, as they open up into ecsquisite floral blossoms... now only if I could spell ecsquisite (sp)????! *LOL* Many imported items come in beautiful packaging, I often go to the specialty foreign Markets just to acquire some... as well as expand my culinary horizons.

Then there was Christmas of 2008 when 'Evian' came out with those special glass bottles for their water... LOVE EM... stocked up as if I was going on a Camel train trekking across the Desert! I don't believe I'd ever drank 'Evian' water prior to that genius packaging promotion... and people were selling those bottles on E-Bay at a premium, they were in such high decorating demand!

I adore the old fashioned glass Milk bottles my Organic Milk comes in... great Milk, even better packaging... brings me back to the bygone days when my Nanna in Wales had her Milk delivered on her doorstep each morning by the Milkman... Gold Top had the thick cream on top that I'd always conveniently "forget" to shake first... *wink*

I love a lot of the packaging for bath items and soaps... especially French toiletries. I found the best etched glass containers that held lovely shades of Lavender Bath Salts and have little Silver and cork stoppers.

Sometimes I buy items that I'll rarely use but I just love the way they look in their packaging, like Jumbo Pastel Sprinkles... almost too pretty to eat. I've found fab vintage Spice containers too and always transfer my drab uninteresting modern packaged Spices into them. Yep, I confess... I have a definite passion for packaging... but I suspect I may not be the only one... Dawn ... The Bohemian