I never really know what will inspire me next... will it be the texture of aged weather worn wood... the lines of an object that appeal to me... the way the sunlight reflects off of something just so or the shadows cast upon it? Will it be the intricate details of another work of Art... a piece of vintage fabric or needlepoint or lace? Will it be the colors of an object or of items in nature that inspire me to put together a piece I've created in similar hues? Will it be the chipped, crackled or faded elegance of a piece that age has altered in an appealing manner? Will it be the shape of an object or the feel of it that will show up in my work? Will it be an image that captivates me and ignites the imagination or perhaps even something someone says that sparks an idea and gives form to the formless? Will it be an object waiting to be transformed or repurposed and given new life?

Quite often the inspiration for something comes in the most unlikely forms and places, when I'm least expecting it or not even actively looking for it. Something will just catch my eye so that I take a second look rather than just a glance... and really "see" what it is, taking in every detail and meditating upon it... and ideas begin to form. Some manifest over time and perculate... others come like a flood and the urge to get right to it consumes me and excites me so that I can't wait to create!

My Hope is that I shall ALWAYS be inspired by something... or someone... or some place... and that the urge to create will never go dormant or stagnate... but remain alive and as passionate as it has always been... from cradle to grave... Dawn ... The Bohemian