I'm feeling rather spoiled and self-indulgent lately, with BOTH Grandkids now being in School and having the glorious Mornings all to myself! *contented sigh* More time to take leisurely walks in the Park and through old neighborhoods reveling in the scenery and before the heat of the day sets in.

Spending time puttering around in my Garden, amazed at how resilient my Basils, Mints and Tomatoes have been, growing in hardy profusion in spite of temperatures exceeding 110 degrees all month! I'm even still harvesting what is still producing in my Herb and Veggie Garden and they've set enough seed that next year should be an abundant Harvest of epic proportions! This was only my second year of learning to Garden so I can't take any of the credit for the survival and production of these wonderful plants, they did ALL the work, in spite of my ignorance, unintentional neglect, and lack of proper Farming technique. *Smiles*

Going on my Junquing forrays very early after dropping the Grandkids off at School, so being one of the first to hit the Thrifts and favorite Haunts that score my wonderful Found Treasures. I'm typically NOT a Morning person, too many decades of working Nights have made me somewhat of a Vampire in my habits, so this is virgin territory for me being and staying out and about as the Sun comes up each glorious Morning! I'm thoroughly enjoying it, didn't realize what I'd been missing!

Some of my recent 'scores' include this lovely faux Lilac Tree *or is it Wisteria??? wink* and ornate Bird Houses. And a trio of Solar Garden Art stakes that have crackled Glass Balls that light up from within after dusk! But Dawn, you might ask, I see only two!? Well, alas, there WAS a Green Ball one, but I was so exuberant in hammering it into the unyielding Arizona parched clay soil that the delicate crackled glass Ball exploded like a Firework going off on the 4th of July!!! *ooops and a sob* I have kept the ornate stake and perhaps... perhaps... in my subsequent forrays I shall find some kind of glass ball or globe that I can make a project of repairing damaged stake? Thankfully not much was invested in the piece so I wasn't entirely heartbroken... but I made a Note To Self: When hammering objects with fragile glass or other breakable pieces, don't get so carried away girlfriend! *LOL*

Yes my Friends I'm SO enjoying Free Mornings to do the things I want and like each weekday, after 30+ years of raising a Family I'm overdue for some "Me Time" each day and I'm a much better person for having had some of it... just ask the rest of the Family *LOL*... Dawn... The Bohemian