I'm back from New York City and I want to go back! I LOVED it. The rush, the people, and especially East Village. I want to live there. I probably took about 500 photos so it's going to take me a while to get through them but here are some of the photos I took. The one above is of this man that I found really interesting. He was sitting right there in the middle of Times Square at night smoking and hanging out in a suit.

East Village

There were so many people taking "model" shots on Saturday night.

I just loved the blue color of this plywood board.

Driving into the city I saw Marcus Klinko walking down the street. He's one of the best fashion and celebrity photographers in the world. I was geeked. I want his job.

We went to 3 museums the first day we were there. MOMA, MET, and Guggenheim. Right now Guggenheim has an incredible photography exhibit up called, "Haunted." I was totally inspired by it and shot this.

We were waiting for the subway when another train pulled up and I caught this moment. The lady on the left was completely asleep on her girlfriend's shoulder and then woke up all groggy and they kissed. It was very sweet.

Taken near Ground Zero...it has a patched look to it like it is trying to cover up something but it just isn't working.

I really wanted this woman's photograph. Her face was so interesting to me. But I was too chicken to just shoot her straight on without asking her. Then she did this and it was so perfect and I was very happy that I captured it.

I think this one has a very Gothic feel to it.

In the tunnel from Jersey.

This really captures the energy of the city on a Saturday night.
Lots more coming soon!
