There's just something about floral display that speaks to me... whether it's fresh cut displays, silk floral displays, floral Art on pieces... I'm drawn to Flowers and Plants like a Bee. I saw a sign that reminded us to "Always Wear Your Invisible Crown" and I suppose when I'm around anything Floral I just feel Queenly... so Flowers and anything floral are like my invisible Crown. As a young person I remember wearing floral Crowns and Flowers in my hair... old Hippie you know *wink*... and I felt as much like Royalty as if I'd been wearing Crown Jewels. As a Teen my Parents said entering my room was much like entering a Tropical Rain Forrest, lush with vegetation and Terrariums filled with exotic Plants carefully tended and growing rampantly. I haven't changed much... I still feel like I'm in my private Garden Of Eden and tiny corner of Paradise when surrounded by Flowers, Plants and floral motif on rich fabrics and beautiful Antique or Vintage pieces painted with floral Art.

I didn't realize how much of what I love and have acquired over the years have Flowers as a common thread, subconsciously I'm obviously drawn to those pieces that display florals in some fashion. I was much more aware of my passion for Religious inspired motif and Art, much less so the underlying floral passion that existed in my psyche. I started examining my favorite pieces more closely... yep, florals were definitely evident on many. I realized that every room of our Home had vases filled with Flowers and floral Wreaths. Silk faux Flowers at the moment, but when the fierce heat of Summer is over I'll be bringing the much more preferable real deal Home from the Markets. Our Garden is a tangle of vegetation run amock... I adore the natural look of Plants taking over a space or growing naturally where the Master Gardener Himself has sown them to surprise me, rather than the manicured orderly approach to Gardening. Okay, so you might need a machete to get through places in my Secret Garden where its become quite overgrown and lush... but in a Desert environment, if it survives and thrives, I don't do much to inhibit that victory of surviving against all odds, I celebrate it as my victory too over the elements!

What in particular brings YOU to your place of Fantasies best? Flowers... Bling... Rust... Lace... Books... Art... Seashells... There are so many possibilities for creating our Fantasy World... may you always explore them and incorporate them into daily living so that you can live the most exciting and beautiful life every day... Dawn... The Bohemian