It's all in the details for me... I have a yen for visual abundance and a love for surrounding myself with beautiful or interesting and detailed stuff that inspires me to create or becomes part of a creation... there is definitely a relationship between Artists and objects. I really do love my accumulation of abundance... and my collecting habits and the hunter/gatherer instinct I possess provide me with endless creative opportunities and hours of enjoyment. The quest, the thrill of the hunt, is a Rush and my 'high' of choice. My acquisitions seem that they were just waiting to be discovered by me, it's like I zero in on those particular Treasures that appeal to me with an eerie radar that us gatherers, scavengers and junkers all seem to have.

When I'm looking for something in particular I almost always seem to 'stumble upon it' in what might seem like coincidence to most, but to the seasoned collector of found objects, is evidence of the laws of attraction. So many times the specifics and intricate details of items lining up so perfectly are far too synchronized to chalk up to mere coincidence. A recent example was my acquisition of an Antique Drawer Pull and Pearl necklace I purchased earlier in the month made by an amazing Artist *photos in a previous post*... I just loved that Antique Drawer Pull used and it was the deciding factor in choosing that piece. I thought to myself... I'd like to find some more of that style of Antique Drawer Pull to create and construct other pieces of matching Jewelry for myself. The piece had definitely inspired me and got the creative juices flowing to make some more Jewelry to compliment it. Now, what do you suppose the odds are, if you're a Gambling Soul, given the virtually endless styles of new, vintage and Antique Drawer Pulls out there... of finding the EXACT same matching Antique ones 'accidentally' within weeks of having had that thought? Well, it happened... and I could barely contain my excitement, since I wasn't consciously "looking for" them, but they found me anyway, like some mysterious magnetic pull!!! *smiles* There's the time I saw a gorgeous Italian Rose Tole Bird Cage in a decorating magazine and wished I could find such a Treasure in my own escapades... only to stumble upon the EXACT SAME ONE in a local Antique Store, shoved way in the back and priced so low I thought surely this must be a mistake?!? *Gasp and Heart Palpitations... at hitting the Mother Lode of Treasure Hunting Treasures* Those types of incidents happen to me all the time and those discoveries always make my Heart flutter and skip a beat... it's moments like this that are why I truly love to collect and seek.

Visual abundance to the Artist saturates the senses and stimulates the inherant creativity within each of us. There are some of my Lovelies that have inspired numerous ideas, projects, other forms of Art and just uplifted me each time I beheld them or spent time around them. Mine is often Divine excess since most of my most treasured items are the Spiritually inspired ones. Surrounding myself with the beautiful objects I've amassed over time has enhanced my Artistic ability and challenged me to be more creative than I ever imagined I could be. It has taken me to places and introduced me to people that I might never have been exposed to and enriched my life experience in ways I never quite expected from any past time or obsession. May your particular collections of irresistible objects that you are drawn to and chose to surround yourself with and hunt for bring you the same thrill, satisfaction, Joy and inspiration that mine have for me... Dawn ... The Bohemian