It was the cute Lil Compact that started it... yes... it was TOTALLY to blame! An unexpected 'Goodwill' find of the day that I foolishly even tried to walk away from... all the way to the parking lot in fact *gasp*... before turning back and deciding I had to have it. *smiles* Okay so I caved once again and it hooked me... like I'd be able to get away... I have no restraint in me... zilch... nada... not when it comes to vintage Bohemian Bling and the accessories that go with it. *sigh* Not at Thrift Store or Flea Market prices anyway... if I've got to walk away it would have to be because I couldn't afford it. *smiles*

So, it was my only purchase and 'score' on my Junquing forray of the Morning and that is more restraint than I usually have. *wink* I adored the painted enamel scene, so colorful, so Bohemian, so passionate... look at their embrace, how she's being swept off her feet... in a beautiful Garden... with Cherubs and Waterfalls! Yeah, I could definitely roll with that, how about you? *wink* I know nothing however about Compacts and have never worn face powder or foundation, but I can always use a good portable Mirror... yes, it was the Mirror and graphics that got me on this one, because surely I have no clue about such pieces or their value. It says 'Stratton Made In England'... I'll have to look that up and find their story... I love a good story. I enjoy educating myself about the companies and Artists that make my Lovelies, the inspiration and History, any provenance and trivia, era and locale. I can be a wealth of mostly useless information... but I must say, those things I am passionate about and love, I know something about... and it has often served me well and I can spot the 'Good Stuff' and differentiate from the mediocre in most cases. Sometimes something completely random and not of my usual taste, knowledge and ilk will catch my eye and I'll think to myself... that looks like "Good Stuff"... and lo and behold most of the time it turns out to be just that and is a nice little surprise to discover that my innate radar had gone off without any real head knowledge of a piece. I believe when you surround yourself with "Good Stuff" it becomes so familiar it calls out to you and connects in a mysterious way. Obviously I connected with this cute Lil Compact... it drew me in.
After arriving Home with the new piece it started... the playing with some of my Bohemian Bling... arranging, re-arranging, fondling, reveling in the eye candy that it is, photographing... and allowing my imagination to take me away. The imagination and imagining is a wonderful tool and gift... I've gone so many places with it... been so many things with it... done so much with it... transported myself where ever I desired and been whoever I wanted to be for that moment... and my Lovelies... well, they're often my props and what triggers the imagination to begin imagining! You're only limited by your imagination you know... and mine is quite fertile so it knows no bounds... no boundaries... just endless possibilities. I can get lost there for quite some time if there are no distractions to reel me back into reality. *wink* And today it was the cute Lil Compact that started it... yes... it was TOTALLY to blame! ... Dawn ... The Bohemian
So... share with me your Found Treasures of Bohemian Bling and Accessories that you like to play with, imagine with and inspires you to take yourself away...