Lovely Image Cribbed from "The Edison" on Bing Images

NOTE: I would have posed for this myself but I think The Man took all the Bandalero Belts with him to Alaska?!? *Winks*

Princess T's wonderful Teachers at Head Start that help her learn all the fun creative projects like her Traditional Crepe Paper Flowers she presented me with today for Cinco de Mayo and Mother's Day... Here she is with Miss Rocio... 

And with Miss Beatriz...

Lovely Images of Folklorico Dancers cribbed from Bing Images


Happy Cinco de Mayo!

For us Cinco de Mayo means having a Fiesta... Latin Style...  If any Holiday from any part of the World includes good food and good times, well, I'm all in. *LOL*  How about you? 

Living in the Southwest with a large Hispanic population we are fortunate that Cinco de Mayo is celebrated locally with a vibrant, colorful and festive flair and I look forward to it every year... the energy is uplifting! 

So we will enjoy the local Folklorico Dancers in their amazingly beautiful, colorful and distinctive Traditional Dresses.  Princess T made me the Traditional Crepe Paper Flowers at Head Start... Thank You Miss Rocio for assisting her, I LOVE them! We will have a Fiesta Feast of hot steamed Tamales, Spanish Rice, fresh Pico de Gallo, Tortilla Chips hot from the Oven and let us not forget the Cerveza... mine will be Coronitas with freshly picked Limes. *Winks*  Salud...  Dawn... The Bohemian