Shelly & Minnie, Rockin' it at RUST & ROSES...

I thoroughly enjoy visiting my Friend Shelly's delightful Shop in Phoenix, RUST & ROSES, because it is packed to the rafters with the stuff my Salvage Dreams are made of...

Yes, Salvage mezmerizes and excites me like Diamonds might mezmerize and excite most Women and not everyone 'gets it' or appreciates it, so unlike Diamonds, which are internationally appreciated as valuable, not everyone sees the value in Salvaged items.  Therefore, sadly, much of it has been lost, razed, discarded and fills our Landfills and dumping grounds.

This is going to sound really weird, but as a child, my favorite thing to do was accompanying my Dad to the local Dump when he was hauling stuff off there.  This was back in the day when every small Town and most Cities had the open Dumps with piles of discards that folks could root through if they were so inclined.  And I was so inclined!!! *Winks*  I couldn't believe, even at a tender age, the stuff people could and did get rid of and delegate to the Dump!  You could always tell that you were nearing the Dump by the flocks of Seagulls hovering over the area... I guess to a Seagull Trash picking was as lucrative as I found it to be! *LOL*  I was fortunate that because my Dad had grown up very poor, he saw no harm in me Salvaging items I found interesting or wanted to have or make something out of and clean up.  And even after I was grown, if there was anything in his Home that I could use or repurpose, it was mine for the taking.  Dad wasn't very materialistic, but he was very resourceful, Artistic and creative so it was easy for me to develop those traits as well... learning what I lived.  Dad could make something beautiful out of practically anything and had vision of what a thing 'could' be and transform it... I always admired that.  So I definitely think I got my Junquer Genes from Dad... it is something I have always felt driven to do without exactly knowing why?!

A 'Dream' for a Salvager like myself is to happen upon an old abandoned building and being given carte blanche to salvage and save anything from it that I desire!  To hit the Motherlode of Pickers Paradise by being invited to scavenge through someone's old Storage Sheds, Attics, Barns and Acreage that has had Salvage Treasures sitting there forever and a day just waiting to be rediscovered!   To roam the shores of the Beach and hunt for Treasures washed up upon the shore from the depths of the Ocean after she gives up what has been hidden in the waters for who knows how long!?  To discover an old Landfill from the Old West days and pick through the Rusty Remains to see what clues and Treasures Life from that era has left behind laying in the Desert Sun for perhaps a hundred years?

We used to even hunt for Old Ghost Towns just to look, wonder and wander, taking only Photos and leaving only Footprints... out of respect for the History and sanctity of such places... but still enjoying the experience of what your eyes could discover!?

Yes, I live for Salvage Dreams... and the Treasures that I Hope to find... whether in a favorite Shop like RUST & ROSES that offers those things that I Love for purchase... or to Hunt for it myself... either way the Thrill Of The Hunt remains intact... and just maybe that is a huge part of the appeal... Won't you come Treasure Hunting with me again...

And until then... Happy Hunting my Friends... and may all your Salvage Dreams come true... Dawn... The Bohemian

I'll be linking up with Jill at THE FRENCH CUPBOARD for the 'French Inspiration' Blog Party... because the only thing more exciting to me than discovering Salvage Treasures... is finding FRENCH and other European Salvage Treasures!!! *Winks* My entry for today is French Feedsack Pillows... LOVE THEM!!!
