Next on the itinerary of the Grief Therapy Tour will be a lengthy trip to another fav Shop where you will find a wealth of Salvaged items sourced with care... NOT TOO SHABBY.  Proprietors Kim and Katie not only have a most amazing eclectic mix of fabulous Styles and Found Treasures, but where the Art of Display is in full bloom as well since they are Masters at it.  Just being in there provides endless inspiration and vision, as well as a calming presence and Peace of being surrounded by so many lovely things that I enjoy and which have such rich Histories.  I like to imagine all of the Stories and History of each item, the previous Owners of such pieces and how they came to part with them?  

I missed Katie as she was out of the Shop this day... but Dear Kim sympathetically indulged my need for Grief Therapy and so I literally spent hours just wandering around and losing myself in the Art of Photography, capturing the essence of each Style offered at this amazing Shop. And I have some EXCITING NEWS to share with you about a new venture the Gals are undertaking very soon... but I'll save that for later in this series of Posts, keeping you hanging in anticipating! *Smiles*

 I'll start my Tour of the Shop in one of my current fav sections of it, which right now is the Style of Natural Organic hues, Old Silver, Old Books, Vintage Commercial and Vintage Travel items.  It's what I'm presently being drawn towards and I wonder what subliminal Message that is trying to impart from my Spirit to my consciousness??? *Winks*

   It was actually my first stop of the day and got me grounded for the rest of the day which lay ahead of me... it put my head and Spirit back in a good place, even though I was carrying a heavy Heart and the sorrow and range of emotions of a recent loss and being quite grief stricken.  I needed this and so I came away with so many images that it will take SEVERAL Posts to share them all with you... which is wonderful Grief Therapy in and of itself... and is Healing the Heart with a welcome distraction of surveying all that is particularly sweet and enjoyable about Life... when the Thrill Of The Hunt takes hold and transports you to a Magical place... 

So come, experience the Magic with me my Friends... and be sure to come back tomorrow as we continue with the Grief Therapy Tour of even more fabulousness at NOT TOO SHABBY...

Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Where things are Heating up... Dawn... The Bohemian