Can we talk?

Well, let's go window shopping while we talk, shall we?  That way it will make it a little easier on both of us! *Winks*  Looking at pretty things is soothing to me... and right now I need to be soothed.  You see, I'm feeling very conflicted... and I knew I would be.

It's probably no coincidence that I have had somewhat of a preoccupation and fascination with photographing old luggage lately... baggage if you will... it could even be subliminal??!!!  And ironic really that I led the Post with a photo of an old Liquor bottle. *LOL*  No, no, I'm not hitting the bottle... though I FEEL like maybe something like that might take the edge off or help in this "process"!!!!??? *Winks*  But I am feeling overwhelmed by old baggage... stuff... too much stuff actually. I've been in purge & edit mode for a while now... but its a painfully slow process for me and I can get quite overwhelmed with the daunting task of facing what I desperately need to tackle.  I wish it wasn't... I wish I could wisk around and just load stuff up and out the door to where ever it's destination will be.  But it doesn't work like that with me *le sigh* and even though the "wanting to" and realization of "needing to" is there, the "doing" part is where I get bogged down.  Not because I'm lazy mind you... or even procrastinating... but because for some strange reason I get attached to stuff.  And so the decision making process gets mired down in what I can and should let go of even if it's time has come... and I never know how difficult it will be for me until I begin and am confronted with my range of emotions with each piece.  I've made progress and that always feels good, but I have a long way to go... and that doesn't feel so good.

I'm also in an "out with the old and in with the new" mindset lately... wanting and needing some changes, especially in decor and styling... but until a lot of stuff goes out... I do have to restrict what comes in.  Quite a conflict... because to get things the way I'd really want them NOW, then a lot of tough decisions have to be made about stuff I already have.  There's absolutely nothing wrong with any of it... and I still "like it"... but I just don't necessary want to be around some of it anymore because I'm going through an evolution of styling preferences and even how much stuff I want to be surrounded by. 

This happens every so often... I just want, need and like something different. I gravitate to a particular genre or look that may be totally different to that which I gravitated towards several years ago... and I might not want a hodgepodge of both.  And yet... much of the old stuff is still very nice stuff... and I've become attached to a lot of it... and so the letting go and replacing it with something else can be emotional and somewhat difficult for me.   And I'm also realizing that I need and want LESS... yes, me, the professed maximalist... is craving some minamalism!!! *Gasp*  I am asking myself how would I FEEL if there was a lot less to take care of and be surrounded by daily?  And this is a tough question for me because I love to hunt for Treasures and Shop.

However, those few areas I've been working hard on and gotten to a level of LESS... well, I'm really PREFERRING it!!!  And those areas I've transformed with a different genre and style that I prefer NOW makes me feel more in sync with who I am at this moment... and where I'm going rather than stuck where I've been or used to be. 

I'll liken it to me walking into any place that hasn't changed in decades... and though perhaps in that era I liked all that the era was about... that was then and this is now... and though some of the charm might remain... and the nostalgia... I don't want to LIVE THERE.  So it is with me and my stuff... no matter how much I have this love affair with my stuff... there are only a select few pieces that I know I will NOT part with as time goes by because those are the "keeper" pieces.  The rest, at some point, will need and have to go as I change and times change and my tastes evolve.  

Though I sure wish the transition were easier for me than it is... but it was good to talk about it as I move forward and embrace the changes... ever evolving...

Dawn... The Bohemian   

*All items photographed at ANTIQUE GATHERINGS Antique Mall in Phoenix, AZ*